From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The run that wasn't

I tried! I bundled up with so many layers I looked like the little brother in a Christmas Story (or felt like him anyway). It was still -30C/-22F with the wind, but it was our first sunny day since some time in December and I had to try. I drove to the canal, parked the car and headed out. After the heavy rains on Saturday and the flash freeze later that day I knew the sidewalks would be icy on Sunday. I just thought that they would have been salted on Monday as the canal is a widely used path area. No go. In my estimation more than 2/3 of the way was glare ice (rutted no less). After 5 minutes one direction I decided it was idiotic to continue subjecting myself to this, and I was miserable thinking nothing had changed since last year when the city's crappy policies claimed my Mom. So I bagged it. 10 minutes in, streak lives. The sidewalks appear a little better around really busy streets so in future if I'm in doubt, I'll run the concrete sidewalks around here instead.

Today my former work team is taking me out to lunch for my birthday, so Friday's bike is going to be on today instead and I'll push my 3 runs in a row to start tomorrow. I do have 4 hours of 24 to watch so the bike/treadmill should be quite bearable!


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