From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Well, it's done. After 7.5 years at my company, and I think the count is 15 rounds of layoffs (that I know of!), I received my notice on Wednesday. I am sad, because I really love my job and my company. I understand the reasons why, we are in trouble and it never seems to get better. But I don't want to go. I have 60 days where I can still apply for internal postings, and if anything suitable comes up, I just might. When the sting to the ego fades, I may just decide to walk away with my severance, and start new somewhere where (I hope) I won't be faced with layoffs every half. In that respect I'm relieved. After living in fear for 7.5 years, it's happened, and it's over. And I'm ok.

Lots to do in the coming weeks with the outplacement agency. Truthfully, I just want to take a break and curl up in a ball for a few weeks. :)

I had a terrible run on Tuesday, my legs were tight, but nothing compared to my lungs. It's been a long while since my lungs were bad enough that I thought I'd need to go to the hospital to be tented. So I sat on a bench (a spider family's bench apparently!) and concentrated on my breathing for a while, and that made it a little more bearable. I walked every 250 metres, I just couldn't do more than that. On the upside, because of these breaks I saw two deers in a field (so pretty) and baby duckies!! These were the smallest I've ever seen, they must have been only a few days old. They could actually run on water! Amazingly fast tiny creatures. I was beaming from ear to ear, and in near tears watching them. Just gorgeous.

Haven't run since, just don't have it in me. I'd better get it back soon though, I have a race on Saturday evening! Ooooh, I also got my bike back. They replaced my brake cable, did a complete tune up (I seriously thought it a new cassette and chain!). If it doesn't rain, I may take it out for a little ride tomorrow. I mean really, I have nothing else to do! :)

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At May 22, 2008, 10:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - I just wanted to take the time to thank you for coming to my site and offering condolences at the passing of my bun Archi Ann and for the kind words to not beat myself up. Things do happen. Thank you.

I am sad to hear that you are now going through a very painful time of losing a job :( Sounds like it's been stressful worrying if you would be in the cuts. I pray you are able to find a new opportunity that doesn't have the same stress.

At May 22, 2008, 10:55:00 PM, Blogger A Wild Celtic Rose said...

I am SO sorry about the job.

I know it's scary and painful now, but I KNOW that there will be better things for you in the future.

Oh, and not running?

I am the queen...

At May 22, 2008, 11:22:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I'm so sorry it happened, but maybe your next job will be one where you won't have the added stress of worrying about layoffs. I'm sure that takes its toll. The stress probably doesn't do your lungs any good, either.

Hang in there.

At May 23, 2008, 11:11:00 PM, Blogger *jeanne* said...

Ohhhhhhh...I'm so sorry about your lay-off.

At May 24, 2008, 12:31:00 AM, Blogger Downhillnut said...

Change happens, often sooner than we want it to. Sometimes it sucks, but with hope and confidence you'll grow into something better.

Chin up, U. and enjoy the bike!

At May 24, 2008, 9:35:00 PM, Blogger Una said...

Thank you all :)

I'm ok, really I am. If I find an internal positions, that will be great, but if not, that will be great too!

HUGS to all!


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