From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I don't know what we did to deserve this, other than put up with several 60cm+ snowfalls, but as of today, there is no more snow on our lawn! Not that I'm surprised, because once again we had a day in the 20's... 23C/74F to be exact. SERIOUSLY!! The normal high is 12C. We've been doubling that. We're having summer!

Nothing much to report, other than we slept in until 8:45AM, raked the very flat from the heavy snow lawn (filled 2 leaf bags), cleaned up the back yard a bit, and planned our deck. At 1PM we went to the canal for our run. Oh, and we had to buy gas, at $1.21 (rounded up) per litre (approx. $4.80/gal). If our road to the canal was safe enough to bike on, we would have. And it will be in about 2 years, when the reconstruction is finished. As it stands right now, it's a death wish. After getting over the shock and pain of paying $0.10 more per litre than a week ago, we made it to the canal.

Today marked the first of run 6 mins, walk 1 min. The first 6 mins were horrible. My chest really really hurt, my shoulders were tired and stiff (from raking?) and I contemplated stopping. My heart rate monitor was acting up again (I even bought a new battery for the strap, might help if I put it in) showing insanely high numbers (220) but while I felt it was really hard, I knew the numbers were wrong. So I tried to ignore it and went by feel. By the time I hit the turnaround, it all came together. So much so that I added another set at the end. And I felt great. KT came with us so that she could study under a tree, and I met up with her and we walked while waiting for Steve to finish. It was amazingly beautiful out.

Came home to have chocolate milkshakes (chocolate frozen yogurt and skim milk) and bean/corn quesadillas. Yum!

The rest of the week looks just gorgeous, even with the couple of rain days forecast. Must take advantage!

Oh, and moron that I am, completely forgot sunscreen, and now have a sunburn. When will I learn!

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At Apr 20, 2008, 11:00:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow, at those gas prices, I hope you don't have to do much driving!

At Apr 28, 2008, 7:34:00 AM, Blogger Lora said...

Ugh....I hate raking leaves--you should have worn your HR monitor for that. Bet you hit 80%!

I'm going to try your chocolate milkshake sounds awesome.


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