From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It hit 23C today! It was warm, the wind off the ice and snow was cold. I LOVE spring! The snow, at least in the city, should be gone by the end of the weekend. Steve and I were contemplating a run or mountain bike ride in the Gats this weekend, until I found these photos... I think we'll wait a week or two!

I had a dentist appt. this morning and the tooth with the filling problem actually has a hidden cavity underneath! Hot dentist said it's not really visible by the naked eye (yes, he said naked :D) but the x-rays confirmed it. And he even found another little tiny one. Sheesh. So that's two more appts with hot dentist. Um, if I must. On the upside my gum exam was stellar, even better than last years'. Let's hear it for being anal about flossing (I almost wrote anal flossing, which is a whole other ball of wax! Sometimes I crack myself up).

I wasn't really feeling a run today, but it was 23 degrees! So we toddled off to the canal after work and my legs were a little cranky. 5/1 - not a problem whatsoever, though I was 3 sec/km slower than Tuesday's run. And I really wasn't pushing it at all. Actually, had I not taken an extended walk break thanks to a phone call from my sister, I might have even been faster! Food for thought. I was feeling a little ache in the PF region so I'll be using the golf ball the next few days. My shin is a little tender too - but it's only Thursday, and my 4 runs for the week are done, so two rest days from running coming up.

Yesterday we took out the road bikes. It was beautiful out, but windy, and with still too much dust on the roads and paths, I was grateful my sunglasses wrap as well as they do. I'm such a boob, when we were half way to where we were going to bike Steve remembered he'd forgot to swap out his inserts for his orthotics on his new shoes. It took me 10 minutes before it hit me... I forgot my orthotics too, but I didn't have inserts. I was going to bike foot to shoe. Ouch. This is why I'm feeling the PF today :). This was my first outing since my bike fit, and oh wow, what a difference! There were a lot of people out (it really was the first nice day) and I swear, some are stunned stupid. A whole group of runners blocking the path staring right at me as I'm coming at them at 30 km/hr, shouting "HELLO" repeatedly, until finally one of them woke up and grabbed another to give me room to go by. I was worried he was going to go the wrong way and I'd hit him. Thankfully, no. Sadly, this scenario repeated itself a lot.

We cut the ride short at 31 mins, because my feet were screaming, and Steve needs to make some adjustments on his new bike. Tomorrow I'm going to work earlier than normal because at 3PM I'm bolting and we're going to hit the Aviation Parkway. There will no doubt be a lot of cyclists as it's one of the preferred training grounds for the Ottawa Bicycle Club, and with good reason. Hopefully the traffic won't be too heavy (it will be Friday afternoon in this gov't town!) and the wind off the river too strong.

One last note - I received a letter from the Heart Institute today - one of the Doctor's reviewed my file from the Cardiologist, and because it's not life threatening and they prioritize, I can expect to hear from the Doctor in 9 months or so. I hope they will do the ablation in 9 months, and that it's not just the preliminary appt! I'm ok with having it done in mid-winter, I won't be training too heavily. The recovery is next to nothing anyway.

Well, I'm off to bed.

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