From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Ok that was wierd

My daughter comes wandering home at around 3PM (she went out after her shift last night and slept over at a friends house... the last bus to our house is midnight, and a cab ride is $23 before tip) and tells me about the odd things that happened during her shift last night. Some guy walks in to the CD store and says "can you do me a favour?" she says "depends". He says "can you please sing Mr. Sandman for me?". She says, um, ok. "Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream (bum bum bum bum) make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bum bum.. well you know the rest)". She still has man-voice from her laryngitis so it must have sounded pretty strange (at least it sounded funny when she re-enacted this for me). Then this guy says "thanks, I always wondered what that song was about". And leaves the store. Bizarre.

A few minutes later she's closing up and talking to her boss on the cordless while bringing the chalkboard sign in from the street, she hears a crash from the back of the store. He says, "go check it out". She says "I'm scared, it might be a ghost". I'm thinking she might have started the party early.... ;) In fact, the fluorescent light fixture at the back of the store has just fallen down from the ceiling and smashed all over the place. She was just there a minute before. I don't like this one bit.

She goes to shower and get ready for work at her other job, goes to her room to get dressed (her room is the family room in the basement), and I hear a 'poof'. Katie yells up "Mooooom, the fireplace just exploded". HUH??? I come running downstairs, she's in her bathrobe on her bed, laptop on her lap, towel on her head, the fireplace glass is shattered. Thank god it's tempered glass and didn't explode everywhere. She says "you know when you look at something for no reason at all? that's what happened. I looked at the fireplace and the flame was really high (it's a gas fireplace, you can't adjust the flame) and then poof".

She's staying at her friend's house again tonight. She thinks she's jinxed, poor kid!

That's my big news for the day!



At Dec 30, 2006, 1:31:00 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

That is a little weird, with all the broken glass. I wonder if anything will break at her friend's house.

If she can harness this talent, she can take it on Letterman and maybe even make it into a Las Vegas nightclub act. She won't have to sing "Mr Sandman" to weirdo customers ever again!

At Dec 30, 2006, 8:47:00 PM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Yikes, I have two of those fireplaces. Hope that doesn't happen over here.

At Dec 31, 2006, 9:14:00 AM, Blogger Lora said...

I don't think she's jinxed....I think she has extraordinary powers!! Tell her to stare at people she thinks are mean and see what happens!!

At Dec 31, 2006, 11:41:00 AM, Blogger *jeanne* said...

Maybe it's not her fault. Maybe it's a poltergeist.
Or maybe she's really really LUCKY - she's been nearby, but BOTH these events MISSED her. She could've been hit by flying glass by EITHER of these.

I think the Mr. Sandman guy maybe made a bet with someone? Or was taking a dare? Or was just a bit eccentric?

He's lucky he found someone who knew the song - I bet lots of folks, especially younger ones - who don't.

At Dec 31, 2006, 2:26:00 PM, Blogger Una said...

She's going to try out her 'powers' tonight... don't get in her way! I wish she watched 'Heroes'... she'd have fun with that!

Re: Mr. Sandman - she works in the Glebe, a very chichi part of town, but has it's share of homeless and unstables too. The store is also at a bus stop and next to a pub :)


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