From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Best run ever!

Ok, well best run in recent memory.

I woke up feeling a little funky yesterday, drained and tired. By noon whatever it was had lifted, and I have been going by my resting heart rate anyway, which has been solidly in the 50-55 bpm range. No change there, so not sick/getting sick/injured. :D. Since the cardiologist is a little worried about my 'high blood pressure', I'm back to daily readings. It's the white coat people!

Since we were running after work yesterday, and I had a break in the workday (unlike today's 6 hours of meetings... SIX?!?), I zipped out to get my passport photos done (hahahahahahha, I look like a lizard! I hate the Canadian rules - no glasses, hair down falling at sides, no smiling. All mug shot, all the time), my printer inkers re-filled, the April issue of Vegetarian Times (sure, give us a free e-zine, then don't let us print out the recipes? sheesh), a new bird feeder, and Subway, for the still sick and feverish KT. That was a very productive hour!

Now the run. It was 11C when I headed out to meet Steve at the Experimental Farm. It wasn't what one would call windy, however there was enough wind over the fields that I kept my jacket on. I ran 5/1 as planned and it was FANTASTIC. My goal was 40-45 mins or a minimum of 5k if my legs weren't there. There were times when I questioned why I was doing 5/1 and not running straight through, because I felt I could. But I stuck to the plan (main goal is to stay uninjured!). The second last repeat (the one after I hit 5k) I realized the road was cambered. Never noticed it before, and only noticed it now because my knee felt like it needed a good cracking. Hmmmm... not liking that! So I ran in the middle of the road until I turned around - farm road remember, no cars. Then my favourite Arcade Fire song came on the iPod and I felt so good, that I ran the last 5 mins at a pace 30-45 secs/km faster than I had been. I was floating on air. Overall, took off 14 sec/km from Sunday's time. But it was definitely a different running day. A great running day.

Today's high is 16C - the highest temp of 2008 so far. The road bikes are coming out!



At Apr 16, 2008, 8:48:00 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Six hours of meetings? OMG, and I thought I had to sit through a lot of meetings!

Glad you had a good run!

At Apr 16, 2008, 9:36:00 AM, Blogger Downhillnut said...

The best thing about all the crappy runs is that they make the good ones feel heavenly. So worth it. Way to go!

At Apr 17, 2008, 10:16:00 PM, Blogger Una said...

Thanks, it was a great run. And badly needed after the meetings!


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