From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Bike Fit

Tuesday morning I had my bike fit. We started with some flexibility measurements (I scored in the normal range, which is better than I expected), though my right hip is a little tighter and may have the beginning of some arthritis. Doesn't hurt now, so stretching it is! My legs are good and straight (not bow legged or knock kneed) though I am pigeon toed (I knew that) and apparently have bunions! I never noticed since my feet have always looked like that and I could count on one hand the number of times I've worn high heels so it's just the way these things were born. I can add that to hammertoes! Such pretty feet ;)

The bike fit took 4 hours! This is the first photo (Mary added the sticky dots for tracking and measurement):

I feel like a complete boob, because if anyone had taken a picture of me before, I would have said "hey there quasimoto". I have horrible standing posture but never thought it would translate on the bike.

The whole reason for the bike fit was because I felt a lack of control on my bike. I suspected it was too big. And I also couldn't do shoulder checks for cars (I could look right or left but couldn't even get close to looking behind me). And of course looking at this photo I know why. When you're hunched over and your shoulders are rolling forward, you lose your neck, and it's impossible to turn it! Of course I just cringed at the photo, Mary mentioned the mechanics of it all, which made perfect sense.

So next she checked my cleats and they were too far back on my shoe. One quick adjustment and hopefully I'll feel less numbness on that right foot (it was much further back than the left). Next we checked saddle height - too low, too much of an angle on the knee, so it got raised 1.5 cm. Naturally, that brings me even further from those handlebars. Seat position? Perfect. We did one thing right. Now that the legs were angled correctly it was time to work on those handlebars.

My handlebars were tilted up in the picture above, because otherwise it was far too much of a reach for me. Mary looked at my bent wrists and asked about shoulder and hand pain. Not much but a little, but it was the only way I could ride. Not that I was being defensive! So more measurements, and she popped out the stem and replaced it with an adjustable one. I was reaching 4 cm too far. Doesn't sound like much, but what a difference on a 6.5 cm (mine was 9.5). She then moved my shifters closer to me by 1 cm and adjusted the handlebar angle (my wrists should be in line, like shaking hands with someone). So tilted down we went :). This is the after picture.

Steve and KT didn't notice a difference but I sure do. My back is much flatter, my knees less bent (more power!), the angle from my back to my arms is now 90 degrees, my shoulders are further back, I have a neck, and lastly, my hands are shaking those handlebars! On the trainer I'm even able to look over my shoulder. So we called the bike shop near my house that knew how to interpret her graph of the correct length and placement of my new stem, they had one in stock, so off I went! Because I needed to get back to work, I didn't pick up my bike until yesterday morning. He looks so much smaller! I can't wait to try him out, but first, the weather needs to get a tad more seasonal. It was - 16C/3F yesterday with ice everywhere from the flash-frozen melted snow. I'll report in after the first ride, to see if I notice a difference.

In other training, yesterday I opted for a strength training day, after 3 days of running. I also woke up to really sore and ringing ears from the wind, and a non-stop runny nose. :( This time I pushed it a little harder, did more core on the ball, and my upper ab area, incision-land, was sore when I went to bed. I need to toughen it up!

This morning my sinuses are still cranky, throat is sore, tummy is off, ears still ringing, and nose is still runny. I'll keep fighting with soup and lots of OJ and garlic (not together). Steve has been sleeping away from me the last couple of nights ;) It's supposed to warm up to 5C, so we're going to take the mountain bikes out after work.



At Apr 3, 2008, 9:30:00 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Congrats on the bike fit! I'm due for another, so I appreciate the reminder of how transformative a few small changes can be.

At Apr 3, 2008, 11:23:00 AM, Blogger Downhillnut said...

Cool beans! I had no idea how much benefit you could receive from a few centimeters in the right places. The photos really show the difference. I need to do something like this.

At Apr 4, 2008, 6:55:00 PM, Blogger Una said...

I can't wait to see if it does make a difference, though I'm sure it will! I wish it would stop snowing long enough to get a test drive in :)


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