From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Friday, April 04, 2008

My tummy issues kept up for most of yesterday, not sure what that was about! The windy Tuesday run was still giving my ears a bit of grief, ringing and a case of the dizzies. But the weather was too nice to pass up, having climbed to 7C.

Wow, the mountain bike is sooo sloooow. There were times where had Steve been running next to me, he would have left me in his wake. But that's ok! It was non-stop spinning (or you pretty much stop) and after 1:15, give her take 10 mins of seat fiddling and stretching my quads we'd covered the 15k. We'll never win any speed records but I'm sure it's a huge win fitness-wise!

Today was my last run of the week at run 3 walk 1. Since my legs were burning yesterday after the ride (I almost fell down the stairs afterwards because my legs were lead!) and I'm pushing Sunday's R4W1 up to tomorrow, I decided the treadmill would be best. I wanted to give up after 15 mins, but forced myself through to 42 as planned. And feel better for it!

I'm so glad it's Friday, it was a fast week, but a tiring one. Weekend plans are tomorrow's run, my nephew's hockey tournament, and dinner at my sister's. I hope to get a few batches of soup in the freezer and some reading done too!

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At Apr 4, 2008, 7:36:00 PM, Blogger chuckles said...

Hi. Sorry this isn't about your blog - you just came up first on the business analyst search :)

What's it like in Canada BA wise?
I'm UK, but have Canadian citizenship, although have never been over. Thinking about a move though...



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