From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I ran out of mini peanut butter cups. Because I ate 10 of them in one afternoon. Probably good they are out of the house! But they sure made yesterday's run uncomfortable.

We didn't end up running Sunday's run on Saturday because KT had a friend stay over, and the running clothes are in the guest room. Not too cool to walk in on a guest. So we went out to breakfast, something we rarely do. Found out later that her friend crashed in the basement. Oh well! Saturday afternoon my body started to ache, and by Sunday my joints were burning. That's not cool! So I postponed Sunday's run to Monday.

And it was fine, though my joints were still a little sore.

Yesterday we ran at the Experimental Farm again, there was hardly any spring wind, and it was fantastic. 4/1 felt really good. I felt light on my feet. Heavy in the belly. Thanks Reeces. Oh alright, I'll take the blame.

Today I had 5 meetings... 5 hours of meetings!! No time to run outside, so on the treadmill it was. It was over before I knew it. Love that!

I should probably be doing some work training right now, or our taxes, but instead I think I'll catch up on some blogs and maybe read more about Tom Cruise. The Andrew Morton book so far is boooooring.

Tomorrow we'll be biking after work. Still undecided whether it will be mountain or road. I don't care either way!



At Apr 9, 2008, 11:20:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

It sounds like you and I follow the same philosophy for dealing with tempting food in the house-- remove all temptation by eating it!

How did you stay awake for five meetings? You're my hero!

At Apr 12, 2008, 8:29:00 AM, Blogger Una said...

Sadly I did end up at the bulk store, but this time bought mini peppermint patties. I like them, but not a huge fan so no danger of eating more than one. Also the minty aftertaste stops me from wanting to snack beyond that (a little like brushing my teeth).

So how did I make it through 5 meetings? Peanut butter cups was definitely part of it, but also putting the call on speaker and cleaning my office a wee bit. I'm going to move our extra (oddly shaped) stability ball and some hand weights up there too, for the next time I feel like I'm going to keel over from the sleepies!


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