From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bad to Worse...

Sigh... what the heck did I eat?!? I was doubled over most of the night, let's leave it at that.

After a whopping 3 hours sleep, I *woke* to a 'crick' (sp) in my neck. After many magic bags, one hot bath, one hot shower and lots of twists and turns, I still can't look left. This compounded with the stomach issues last night called it a day from the get go.

Breakfast: I forced down a bagel with tomato (toasted) at breakfast.
Lunch: I forced down a 'Lick's Shepherds Pie'. Was the most disgusting thing I ever ate.
Snack: Mini chocolate bars and Lays Ripple chips - salt and chocolate settles my stomach better than anything.
Dinner: Feeling much better had loads of veggies with pasta, sauce and low fat cheese.

Cardio: Zip

Strength: Using it all to type this post.

Night kids.


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