From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'll be swell, I'll be great, gonna have the whole world on a plate

startin' here, startin' now... everything's comin' up roses...

Now that I've got that out of the way... it's a great day here in my nation's capital. It felt like spring again! And I feel great!!

It started off with lousy sleep as Steve was up in the middle of the night feeling crappy and woke me up... um honey... a whole bunch of forehead kisses at 3:30AM before you head to the couch is not the best way to sneak out quietly! It's sweet. But I would have preferred the sleep! He woke me again on his way back in at 5:30. At least he was feeling better.

Anyway! We went grocery shopping very early, and because I hate line ups, walked out of the first store (I'll pay $1.49 for romaine instead of $0.45 if it means no lineups). We bumped into my brother at the store :) which was fun.

I came home and hopped on the bike trainer. I really tried for 45 mins, and could have done 45 mins as my legs and lungs were up for it, but my right foot was aching so badly. No idea why, but I've had it happen before. Maybe it's because I've not been on the bike regularly for a while, or maybe I need my orthotics adjusted. Regardless, I quit at 33 mins.

I was starving so shared a smoothie with my daughter, had a small plate of homemade nachos (tsk tsk, but in all 500 calories...). After an hour I headed off to the pool. My arms and back are still sore from the Self Challenge strength training workout - so I quit at 250m (not much for many of you, but as a new swimmer, loads when not taking more than 30 second breaks in between 25m laps!). I've also got a class tomorrow, so didn't want to overdo the shoulders.

Came home, met up with my brother AGAIN, then went shopping with my daughter. Since hubby is in Toronto overnight, KT and I watched Cycle 1 of Top Model (Disk 1), then played scattergories. I'm so pooped! Off to bed :)

Tomorrow morning calls for a run, then swim class tomorrow night.

I'm so excited, I've met every one of my fitness and calorie goals this week. Rah!!


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