From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is it 5:00 yet? Oh ya, it is!

I've had a serious lack of motivation this afternoon. Could it be because yesterday's inbox held an Outlook invitation to a job interview that very afternoon?!? Thanks for the notice! Though I suppose I should have been prepping for it since the end of February when I first heard of it. It's over, it went very well, he's on vacation next week and will be in touch the first week of April. He's contacting HR to see if he can close the req now, or whether he has to leave it open for x days. He also wants to know whether he can hire me now without going through more interviews, since the other applicants don't have the skillset he wants (and I do!). Here's hoping he can close the req and send me the 'offer you can't refuse' as he phrased the next steps. My fear is the perfect candidate will apply at the 11th hour. Always waiting for that other shoe to drop.

I did get my run in today. Schedule only called for a wee 4k, but Kiefer and I lost track of time and pulled out an easy 5. Why oh why is he not permanently in t-shirts this season? Or just the vest, ya, that would be nice.

Ahem, back to the run. It went very quickly which is always nice when on the mill. It's still snowing and I didn't feel like going through the effort of getting dressed in all those layers. Tomorrow's supposed to be warmer, the plan is to head outdoors and get some natural vitamin D. Sadly, Keifer won't be with me....

Focus Una! Tonight is swim class. Feeling some serious motivation thanks to Dawn's swim. Will post about that later.


At Mar 23, 2006, 12:10:00 AM, Blogger Sarah Elaine said...

Hi there,

Found you through Pink Lady's blog. I have browsed through your postings and enjoyed them. I too, have been on a fitness quest. I'll check back again soon....


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