10 days already?
I can't believe it's been that long since I've posted. Since this supposed to be my workout blog, I guess it makes sense. :(
The few runs I had *after* my cold, were lousy thanks to nagging asthma problems. Because of 'Wenckebach' I'm not allowed to use a puffer, so I try not to aggravate it. Needless to day, it's getting the best of me.
The house stuff continues to plow ahead. We chose the interiors last week. Had relatives in from Ireland the past 10 days, it was wonderful to see them! Hard without Mom, especially since Uncle Joe is so much like her, but in a sense it was like having Mom back for 10 days, which warmed my heart.
Still wheezing like crazy, but going to do my best to run 8k tomorrow morning. Not sure how I'm going to be able to do that, since I have zero motivation (even the 10K in 11 days isn't doing it), zero energy, and gained a couple of pounds, I'd prefer to crawl into a bag of popcorn (which I did this evening, but it was a 100 calorie Orville's, so not too damaging!).
To add to the crap, my work hard drive died last night, and I fear they won't be able to recover some of my personal files. Since I'm in a new job, I'm not too concerned about the historical stuff from the old one truth be told. And I don't have much other than historical emails from my new job. We do have online nightly backups, but with storage of only 100MB, and mine fails every night. Ugh. Today was spent getting contivity on the home PC and getting into our work webmail, which bites. Got nothing done.
Please send positive vibes in my general direction for my run tomorrow! I need to get out there. I can't stand this!!
Woman... you are amazing. Work, home and a new house? That's more than your fair share! On your run leave all that behind and soak in everything good. Have a great run!
Good luck with the asthma. I struggle with it, too. Just do your best, and the rest will sort itself out.
buzzzz..buzzz..zippp..zipppp Those are the positive vibes I'm sending your way!
Struggling astmatic here too--try antioxidants if you can;t do inhalers (pineapple, berries. Good luck!!
Asthma - ugh. No wonder you don't feel motivated!
What's MY excuse?
Or just lazy...
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