From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Icky icky poo

I reached my crunches goal for the week, by getting in 150 today and 150 yesterday, to top up the 100 from whatever day it was earlier in the week.

I also tried something new, my first tick on the '40 new things' goal. I only made my list of 40+ new things last night, and realized that I was going to start my first week of 2007 by missing one goal! Noooooo! I didn't have the car today, and too short notice to do anything, so off to the grocery store we went! I looked at so many different items, and you know what? I've tried a lot of foods! Finally, I found two. One is in the freezer for another week. The other was rice pudding. I tried it. It's revolting. Steve finished off the whole can, he loves it. I'm still trying to get the taste out of my mouth! Blechh!
Back to training - I got my 40 minutes per day in (actually 45 minutes) doing strength training on the ball. God help me. I can barely type. I couldn't find my wussy starter weights, so had to use the brutally hard 7 pounders (seriously, I have tiny pathetic little arms that hold no strength!). After 300 sets of 1000 (slight exaggeration) I got everything done. Well almost everything. The tricep dips. 2 sets of 25? How about 2 sets of 3? At least it should be easy to improve!

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At Jan 6, 2007, 8:20:00 PM, Blogger Deb said...

You;'ve got me rolling! Those weights will get easier VERY quickly. I love that sore feeling when you've worked new go get the heating pad! ;)

Good job!!!


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