From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Progress, I think

My running is going great! I'm trying really hard to run 10/1's without dying in the last repeat(s). I have so much work to do, but I'm seeing progress. I think. I ran 5k on Sunday in what felt like a blistering pace, and it turns out it was 1 second faster than 2 weeks ago! Hahaha. I think it's crazy that I'm red faced, with an average heart rate of 160, pushing as hard as I can not to give up, and then people run by me like I'm standing still. I guess all that matters is that I feel like I'm improving. Though I really wish the scale would budge. Weight loss would really help!

My biggest struggle right now is mental. Mr. Media is out running with people as part of his commitment to the CBC. I can't remember the last time we ran together. It's been probably 4 years. This makes me sad. Once upon a time I was faster than him! Granted, he hasn't gained 60 lbs from meds and resulting reduced activity, but he quit smoking and started running consistently, only a few weeks ago. And his 5k time is now under 24 mins. I've never seen that number, and doubt I ever will. My goal is that one day we can run together again. One day when he's doing an easy run, and I'm doing tempo, that we will actually run side by side again. I miss that. Our runs together now consist of a kiss and 'good run', then I watch him rapidly get smaller in the distance. And boy, does that take the wind out of my sails sometimes.

Wow, this is bleak. Not intending to be, truly. I feel I'm at a really good place with exercise right now, back to my crunches and trying really hard to strength train (man I hate it!), back to 40 mins a day. The sun is shining, spring is here, life is good!

Now that I have 5k down, it's time to start training for the Canada Day 10k. Today's run calls for 4k. This should feel easy. I can't wait to be running in hours again. Sigh... :)



At May 1, 2007, 7:17:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I bet you'll be running together again before you know it. Time passes fast. Stay consistent, and you'll get there!

At May 5, 2007, 5:00:00 PM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Okay, I swear I typed in this great comment, but it disappeared. I'm on hubby's laptop and he uses Mozilla. I'm not used to either one and I'm a geek. lol

Anyhow, stick with it and you'll get there. Training, patience and in the meantime run your own race.


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