From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


It's been 15 days since my last post. That's stupid.

I'm in rant mode.

I am so tired right now I could cry. That, PMS, and general stress is getting to me.

I wish Steve would sleep through the night and not be awake at 3. He tries to be still but I still sense it and lay awake trying to get back to sleep. I have too much work to do, doing too much OT, stressed over assuming someone else's role while keeping my own, and mostly because I have been at my desk for 2 hours waiting for work to come in from my colleagues job that's going to take days to do. The deadline was Wednesday people! If it's not here by tomorrow morning there are no guarantees, yet I know it's just going to get escalated by some whiners and I'll be stuck doing it late in the night and on weekends when I'm supposed to be off.

That felt good.

I was supposed to run tonight with Steve but it's cold out (it's cold in actually) and I just want to curl in bed and read my book. I think I'll bail on him and he can run on his own if he wants. Probably not the wisest decision, but I'm so tired. Not that he isn't tired, he went in to work at 5AM to get some stuff done and he's not done until 6PM. Poor guy. Maybe I can coerce him into cuddling instead.

Rant off.


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