From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Must MUB

Holy busy batman.

Good stuff:
  1. Got all my runs in last week (4) for a total of 22.6km. Most in a long long time. I've PR'd twice on my 5k time, my pace is improving, even on Sunday for my 7.2k my tired legs were faster than my normal pace.
  2. Got 3 swims in last week. Stroke improving. Total time 2.5 hours.
  3. Only MUBbed once. Better than none.
  4. Got promoted and a raise. Rah!!

Bad Stuff:
  1. PMS
  2. Only MUBbed once. Needed 3.
  3. Ate pizza, Halloween candy (we're out now thank god!) and an entire bag of zesty cheese doritos (I said PMS didn't I?)

This week so far:
  1. Still PMS - ate another bag of Doritos. Makes it that much harder when your daughter is also PMSing and studying for midterms!
  2. Didn't MUB yesterday - worked until very late as I had to deploy a system when the world was asleep
  3. Didn't run today as I had to go to the office for a town hall with the new CEO. Just finishing work now. I will make up this run on Friday.


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