From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The guilt

I didn't make it to swim class and feel very guilty. I suppose I could rationalize that I swam an extra night this week, and that makes up for it, but it doesn't.

I drove KT to a friends, and when I came home at 6PM, there were a half dozen kids hanging out next to the house. It's a public walkway, nothing I can do to shoo them, but it made me uneasy. At least when I'm home I know they won't break in (we're not in the greatest of neighborhoods). At 7:45 I leave the house to go swim, and they are still there!! I'm feeling really uneasy leaving the house unattended for 90 minutes, so I zipped off to the Chinese food place and grabbed some veggies and rice. When I got home they were finally gone, but swim class was already 1/4 done by then, and I had yummy food to eat. I feel really guilty, but I made the only decision I felt I could at the time.

I did get in a very good run today - AHR 148 - +12km. It wasn't bad at all, though I was tired at the end.

Yesterday Steve and I went to watch/cheer at the Winterlude Triathlon (well, duathlon... thanks to the this crazy mild weather, the canal is closed for skating). It was run/ski. It was so cool! And very inspiring. I've decided that I'm going to be on the lookout for some skate-skis. Fun!!

One final work out note... yesterday was MUB day, and my shoulders were very sore, as were my legs from Friday's run/swim. At 10:30 I remembered I hadn't done it, so I did. Well, half of it... I didn't do the legs, because I needed fresh legs for this morning's run. The streak lives!


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