From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Not tired yet!

Today was a crazy long work day. Started at 7, just finished about 30 minutes ago. Upstream feed issues causing system problems, I can't wait until May 3rd... new job! I won't be sad to leave these core HR systems behind!

I met with the nutritionist at 6:30. I had actually forgotten and was still working when the phone rang. I answered it out of force of habit, thank goodness! She did explain the 1700 calories, and regardless of how much I work out, I am to aim for 1700. If I'm starving I can have another 100 calories, mostly protein. If still starving an hour later, I can have another. If I workout tons, it's money in the bank, she says. I've upped my strength training from 20 mins 3 x a week to 30. Next week I'm going to aim for 40 minutes a session.

Swimming classes are done. Going to have to really make an effort to try to get to the pool twice a week. With night school starting next week (Mon & Tues), not so sure it's going to happen.

Anyway, at 7:30 it was still bright enough, and such a lovely day, and I didn't get out once, that I popped on the MP3 player and marched for 45 minutes. Went back to work for another hour, then did my 30 minutes of strength.

It's been a good day :)


At Apr 11, 2006, 8:28:00 AM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

Can I borrow some of your energy? lol. Good job.

At Apr 13, 2006, 8:09:00 PM, Blogger Deb said...

Hat's off.... I have so much admiration for your comittment! Night school, pool and weight training...and in your spare time run and bike. Good stuff from the nutritionalist too! Your are awesome!!!


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