From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Such a whiner

Today was the last day of vacation (booo). I was woken up by my throat... I couldn't swallow. Stupid cold. I guess I woke Steve because apparently I asked him for a lozenge (?!?). I fell out of bed about 30 minutes later (I guess), Steve was gone, apparently to buy me lozenges (!!). I was grateful, because it really did (and still does) hurt... did my entire body. Oh my, I am out of shape! I felt yesterday's workout all day today. My armpits hurt! Whine!!
Steve and I did get a in great run by the canal, though. He followed his plan, I followed mine. It was again, unseasonably warm, all the snow has melted, and people were out on bikes, roller blades and roller skis. Poor fellow on roller skis! He must really be missing the snow. Back to the run. My plan called for a second week of run 1 walk 2, but I kept messing it up again, running 2 walking 1, or 1/1, or 1/2. I coughed too much, and found it hard to swallow my drink, but it was such a spectacular day, I loved every minute of it and I'm so glad I went out.
After the run we went for a walk to Hogsback Falls. Never in my life have I seen the water as high as it was (we've had a lot of rain instead of snow). We're going to go back for a run this week with the camera to get some of our own shots. It was fantastic to watch.

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At Jan 7, 2007, 11:26:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Be careful about doing cardio with a cold-- you don't want it to turn into something worse.

The falls sound nice-- I wish we had something like that here!


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