From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have a boo boo

And it's all the darn boot camp's fault. We saw them last week, 6 woman carrying a log on their shoulders, two guys walking next to them, and yes, taking over the whole path. So when you come along at 30km/hr, as we did today, you have to ring your bell, then shout at them to get out of the way, as you break with all your might. Because they don't move too quickly.

Lucky for me, on the way back, getting ready for killer winding hill, shifting into my granny gear, they were on their side of the path, but then moved to the centre again. One of the trainers said "move over ladies there's a cyclist" but by that time I'd already had to stop and unclip, or fall over. I had to walk the @#$@#$ hill because I'm not skilled enough yet to get up that hill without a head start. So they move to the left of the path (brain surgeons they are not) and I'm on the right walking. When they decide to move to the left just as I'm clipping in my left foot, and slam into me. I have a nice gash at my achilles. I don't blame the ladies, they are too unfocused to know what the heck they're doing. But these two yahoos should know better and share the path. They could go on the grass, I can't.

Other than that the ride was good, it was 42C/104F when we left the house, but at least it was windy... here I am grateful for the wind. Got a little bit of speed going maxing at 35km/hr, making this week's 20k 17 sec/km faster. Would have been even better I didn't have to dismount.

Off to shoot this group an email to remind them of the path etiquette.



At Jun 27, 2007, 11:49:00 PM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

I hate that when people who could move over, don't. It's like they think they're the only ones paying taxes, or something.

I hope you heal up soon!

At Jun 28, 2007, 12:22:00 AM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

there are always runners and riders that just don't get it when it comes to sharing trails or paths. drives me nuts. sorry bout the owie.


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