From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Could it be working?

Could I really have lost 2.6 lbs last week? I never lose weight. My body loves its jigglies. Hmmm. What I can say is I am loving the P90X program. At least the parts I'm able to do.

Yesterday I noticed there were little blobs of something on the tv. Ewwww, it's flying sweat stains from the KenpoX dvd (kickboxing). Yesterday was Shoulders & Arms (57 mins... no problems here, actually need a heavier weight), and AbRipperX (15 mins). I could hardly do any AbRipperX. My body just doesn't do those things. Might be because I'm really heavy and it's asking waaaaaaaay too much of my core to haul an extra 60 lbs. Or maybe it's my gut in the way. Pretty sight non?

No great soreness today, though it hasn't been 24 hours yet. Today calls for a very short run, and Yoga. I did the yoga DVD last week. It's 90 mins. I think I was only able to do 60 or 70. Or maybe 50. I don't remember! What I do remember is way too many downward dogs and planks. Since my downward dog injury a few years ago (bursitis in both shoulders... couldn't do my bra up for weeks!), I'm really careful.

Better get to work!

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