From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's about time!

So I figured I'd better get back to this!

After coming back from vacation to a week of project meetings, covering for a colleague and 4 huge consulting requests, finally, yesterday, it's settled down. Of course at 3:45 another large request came in, but I'll start that one next week, once I get the requirements. I LOVE my job so much. Geeze I hope I don't lose it!

Anyway, throughout all this work stuff my workouts have suffered a little bit, however my heart rate has settled down (touch wood).

Today I ran a fantastic 7k at the canal. It was white-cap windy, and much much cooler than the temps we've been having, so I wore a jacket and it was perfect. My heart rate was a well behaved average 153 (I'm looking forward to this dropping but at least this is the acceptable range!).

As I was finishing my last km, I saw some guy in the distance and I thought "oh he's fishing". Then realized that no, "I think he's looking through binoculars". Of course as I get closer I think to myself "what the heck do you think you're looking at you pervert". And finally "OH! It's Steve and he's filming me running!" Boo-urns. His reasoning? "I thought you might want to analyze your running gait". Um. Not really ;)

So this small speck of blue in the distance would be me questioning the pervert ;)

This would be the up close and scary photo:

And the last one:

I'm the speck in blue coming back towards Steve. On the right is the locks at Hogsback Bridge. Honestly, the winds were awful and the water was horribly choppy on the other side of the bridge!

In other news, this week Steve and I began P90X. OH.MY.GOD. On Sunday we passed the fit test, but much of it barely for me - at least anything involving upper body strength. Darn little raptor arms. Anyway, on Monday we did the 'Core Synergistics' DVD. 60 minutes of pure pain. Our heart rates were almost as high as running, and we were both sweating madly. And it's NOT a cardio DVD! This was all strength training. I hurt for 3 days after! Thank goodness the next day was a cardio day, I opted to run in lieu of the cardio DVD. The day after was Yoga. NINETY MINUTES. I have zero flexibility in addition to my lack of upper body strength so I was a-hurtin'. There were some poses I couldn't do at all, so in all I completed 70 minutes of it. Very proud of this! My shoulders are still sore though! But it's a good feeling! I think I'll like this program - finally a strength training program I don't hate!

So in other news, Steve got the results of his MRI. Two lower back discs are bulging but not pressing on his spine nor any nerves. This is great news! However he's still in constant pain, as he says 'always there in the background', and can't run. Well he can, but it hurts. A lot. Stepping back to April, when Steve was getting his new store set up and working 16 hour days, not eating well, and training for his half marathon with Gotta Run, the doctor supporting the team thought the pain in his leg was radiant pain from his back. So they performed every treatment they could. Which is where the MRI came from. Back to Monday, Steve reviews the MRI with his own doctor and tells him his leg is still sore. So they schedule an x-ray of his leg for Tuesday. Once the x-ray was done, Steve was told his doctor wanted to see him right away, but first he had to get the intern. Steve of course now thinks the worst! The doctor (also a runner) came in, shook his hand and said "you have my respect. you ran a half marathon on a broken leg". Steve was stunned and said "you mean stress fracture?". "NO - a full break of your tibia".

There were a few days where the pain was so bad he was popping Advil like candy (well the Advil he took for probably 2 months), and I forced him on crutches, which he grudgingly accepted as a compromise - as the alternative was my driving him to ER. So a full break in his leg, caused by over training, over working and not eating/sleeping enough, probably came out of a stress fracture, and only 4 days on crutches. FOUR.

His leg is almost healed now, though he does have a calcium deposit and it's not a clean heal, so he's not allowed any impact sports for 4 weeks (swimming and biking are ok, and definitely no P90X), then they will re-assess. If it's not better, or not better looking on the x-ray, he will have to have it surgically broken and properly set.

I don't know whether to hug him or break the other leg ;) Stubborn boy!

Other than that, we checked out the Renoir exhibit at the National Gallery last Sunday. Love Love Love it!

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At Sep 16, 2007, 12:08:00 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

OMG- running on a broken leg is just a little too macho for my taste! I know a girl who fractured the head of her femur at mile 23 of the Chicago Marathon and still made it to mile 25, though.

Good luck to him! And congrats on your recent little race. Looks like a nice venue.

At Sep 18, 2007, 5:58:00 AM, Blogger UltraMamaC said...

sheesh -- this is why married men live longer -- we wives force them to see a doctor when they just want to walk it off. I can't even imagine the kind of pain he must have been in.

Glad to see you back and posting -- I'm about as hard-pressed to post myself, so I understand!


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