From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Friday, September 21, 2007


Ok so yesterday I went for a run by the canal, while Mr. broken leg went for a bike ride. My run was only 6k, so my goal was to run straight through - something I hadn't done since June, and something my body just doesn't want me to do since I got sick in July. The run was going ok until I got to 3k. I was just dragging. And my heart rate wasn't happy, not danger zone, but not happy. So I took a walk break, ran another 10 mins, took another, and ran the last 1.5k. This last 1.5k almost killed me. My pace was 7:05/km, my HR averaged 165. I probably should have walked, because it felt like my legs were going to fall off anyway, but walking is even more painful when your HR is stuck at 150. Not sure if this makes sense, but you feel like you're running but you're not, and your chest gets really really sore. At least when you're running you're used to a higher heart rate, though at the time it's skipping beats all over the place. Blah. Anyway, I'm fighting for the last 300 metres, and with the end almost in sight, I get passed by an old man in a bucket hat. He says "hi", I pant "hhhhhello". And I'm done. He keeps going for about 50 m or so and turns to look at me. I'm walking, drinking, breathing trying to get my HR down. We both walked another 250m or so when he stops and waits for me. He says "I wanted to thank you for the challenge". I say "you're welcome". He says "I'm very slow". I laugh and say "clearly I'm slower than you". He then says "well I don't run, I do what's called "power walking"". I laugh again and say "I'm intimately acquainted with being passed by power walkers as well". We said our goodbyes and I laughed my way to the car. He was trying to be nice and grateful, but man, how to kick you when you're down!

Oh well, good on ya old fella!

I got back to the car and stretched, then walked a few laps of the parking lot. My HR wouldn't drop below 150 :(. So I stood still (because sitting is that much more painful when the heart is racing) and it finally dropped to 143. Argh. I had a 2pm meeting, so we hopped in the car and I breathed it out. Within 30 mins I was at 100 bpm, and felt much better. Though my legs were killing me from the lactic acid. Amazing how it shouldn't hurt, but when your HR is so high, you slow right down and the burn sets in. Blows me away.

Before dinner I did the P90X Legs & Back - that didn't go well at all! My quads were still burning and there was only so many squats and lunges I could do. I lasted 30 mins of 60. Oh well.

My legs are smarting today, no running on the sched, just Kenpo (kickboxing) at lunch. I'm not sure how well that's going to go though... I tweaked my knee (the one I hurt in Feb) lunging when I should have stopped and it's still 'there' this morning. And my quads/glutes are screaming!

My body is tired. I've worked out really hard the past two weeks, much more than I'm used to. I'm not near injury, just tired. Tomorrow is a 7k run, Sunday is the Stretch DVD. Can't wait for that one!

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At Sep 21, 2007, 11:48:00 AM, Blogger Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Sounds like time for a really good massage!


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