From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm going to have to try harder at this!

It's been several weeks, but I've been busy! Had a great vacation in the townships, then Steve's daughter visited for a week, then back to work, straight into the office for 3 full days of project meetings, and last week pretty much catching up there. Of course the rest of the world is slowly getting back from vacation too, and I now have 4 consulting requests due on Aug 31. I'm in trouble! But it feels good to be back and busy.

Today we're going for a short run, and hoping the heart rate stays down - it's not Wencke anymore thank goodness, I'm so done with that! It's just loss of fitness from the past few weeks of crappy runs, stopping because of Wencke. Then we're off to the Hershey's Chocolate Factory. I've never been, and it's going to close soon :(

Sadly, my du plans for next weekend, and half mary plans for the fall have been postponed. Heart's not quite there yet.


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