From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


So not so bad... missed MUB again this week once. Need to get the other two in. What's up with that!?!?

Yesterday ran 5k on the mill. It was a boring sweaty time, but got it done.

Today aimed for 5k again, but couldn't work out the stitch - don't know why I had it, but couldn't seem to get rid of it. So called it at 3k.

I did make it to swim class tonight and I was able to get further in my front crawl, for 25m at a time, then we did the 25m in the shallow end and I didn't freak out once. Hurray for progress. We'd gone about 500m then Jenna decided it was time to aim for a full 50m length without stopping, swimming anything we wanted. I was feeling really tired so I started with front crawl, flipped over to side glide for a bit, then back crawl, then floated for a few seconds, and brought it home with front crawl. About 4m from the wall I get a foot cramp. Game over. Damn it! Sunday is last class, here's hoping I have a breakthrough!

Monday, November 28, 2005

So here it is...

Got the run in on Thursday on the mill... 5k. Didn't want to do it, but did, so it's a win.

Friday didn't run or bike (the stupid trainer is missing a piece), but did dance for a solid 4 hours at U2.

Saturday recovered from U2 :) .

Sunday ran 9k, it was snowy and icy with ruts that hurt my ankle, and very windy, and I didn't wear enough layers. But it's done. Sunday night swim class was good, improving my back crawl, and thinking I'm improving on the front too. Only 2 classes left.

So had to try this quiz... what muppet's dirty little secret am I? Ya not surprised... Have Bert's all over the house... he's the best of the bunch. I don't think they are gay though.

Bert & Ernie
Bert & Ernie's Gay Love Affair

Look, everyone knows you two are lovebirds. Why
not do the brave thing and admit it to the
world? The times are kinder nowadays. There
may be the odd ultraconservative bigwig or
overprotective mom, but so what? Piss on 'em.
Come on out of the closet. It's ok.

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
brought to you by

Thursday, November 24, 2005

It's been a long time...

Sometimes work is just too much.

I've been trying to stay on track, last week got 3/4 runs done, 0/2 swims, 0 MUBS, o bikes. Not stellar. Work was so busy I worked almost every night (or maybe it was every night... I don't remember now). That and twice my heart rate was out of whack. Don't know what I'm going to do about that. One night was swim night - it was so bad I couldn't drive but not bad enough to send me to hospital, then Sunday had to write out my 'what my Mom meant to me' testimonial for the lawyer. 5 hours of crying drained me for good.

This week so far I've got 1/4 runs in (going down shortly for number 2), 1/2 swims, 0/3 MUBS, 0 bikes. Yesterday's run was ok, on the treadmill, 5k. I'm a day behind on the running, but will be able to catch up by Friday. I would love to know why my heartrate went wonky again in the afternoon. 4 hours later I was still a mess, but decided to swim anyway. It didn't feel much worse, though when swimming it felt normal. It righted sometime overnight after I fell asleep.

I got my two new pairs of running shoes, and I'm a little worried. I have been wearing Nike Pegasus for the past 4 years (at least!). Well I bought these two pairs of Pegasus 2005, and they seem small. I hope it's that I'm wearing thicker socks and that once I put normal socks on and my orthotics they will feel better. Sigh.

Our new bike trainer arrived yesterday - we bought it used from the local tri list. I'm so unimpressed - it's missing the axel and the screw to hold the remote thingy together. I'm done, so Steve is going to fight this battle.

I had my evaluation at swim class last night. I'm told I'm improving, that I'm moving my hips more (which helps my kick apparently), and we did arm drills and my form is improving. I found I went slightly farther last night. My biggest challenge is breathing. Sigh. Only a couple of classes left and I still don't think I can swim. Sucks man.

Lastly, my cranky old lady Tiggie is sick with tongue cancer. We are to keep her comfortable and as happy as possible. When she stops eating, we are to take her in. I'm really sad.

Just shoveled 6 inches of snow from the laneway. Back sore. Winter muscles coming back. Too windy and snowy out, too many accidents, going to run downstairs on the mill instead!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Must MUB

Holy busy batman.

Good stuff:
  1. Got all my runs in last week (4) for a total of 22.6km. Most in a long long time. I've PR'd twice on my 5k time, my pace is improving, even on Sunday for my 7.2k my tired legs were faster than my normal pace.
  2. Got 3 swims in last week. Stroke improving. Total time 2.5 hours.
  3. Only MUBbed once. Better than none.
  4. Got promoted and a raise. Rah!!

Bad Stuff:
  1. PMS
  2. Only MUBbed once. Needed 3.
  3. Ate pizza, Halloween candy (we're out now thank god!) and an entire bag of zesty cheese doritos (I said PMS didn't I?)

This week so far:
  1. Still PMS - ate another bag of Doritos. Makes it that much harder when your daughter is also PMSing and studying for midterms!
  2. Didn't MUB yesterday - worked until very late as I had to deploy a system when the world was asleep
  3. Didn't run today as I had to go to the office for a town hall with the new CEO. Just finishing work now. I will make up this run on Friday.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Still on track

Ok, it's only been a few days, but that can be more than many other weeks!

Oh my god, brrr, it was so cold on the run! It was slightly below freezing, a little windy, but pouring rain. I was definitely underdressed. I was so cold, I pulled off my first 2k at 5:30/km (1:00 - 1:15 faster than normal pace). I didn't think I'd be able to maintain it, and I didn't try, I dropped my pace to 6:00/km until the turnaround, then another 30s for the next couple. In all the gps clocked 5.518km in 34:01 (6:09/km - my best pace in 2 years). I think the gps was off though (well I know the watch part was, and the data recorder seemed to capture the distance longer than the last time I did this patch) so using the last captured distance 5.306, I've still clocked my best pace (6:24/km). I'm happy :)

Swim class has changed slightly - I'm still with Jenna (last sessions instructor), since they've added 2 more instructors to allow for us in-betweeners. There are only 4 of us, and only 3 showed up. It was a great class, and we're all seeing progress. If only we could learn to breathe properly! In time... In all, happy with the 50 minutes in the pool.

Breakfast: 2 crumpets with Cheese Whiz Light, skim chocolate milk
Lunch: 2 bowls hot homemade soup
Pre-swim: Left over mashed potatoes with swiss chard.
Post-swim: The last of the leftover mashed potatoes with swiss chard, 2 veggie italian sausages (150 cals each, 2g of fat) on buns with lots of onions. Yummy.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Feelin' Good

Well, I am, my tummy is not. It's fall, whatever.

I had some sort of dizzy spell (I think brought on by a looming sinus headache) making me queasy, so Steve turned the car around and brought me home. I sent him on his run and hit the treadmill, if I had to keel over, I could do so in the privacy of my own basement.

5k done. A little sore from MUB and last night's extra swim. But feeling ok!

Breakfast: egg whites, one egg, ff cheese, and skim chocolate milk.
Lunch: Caesar salad and homemade tomato soup (small amount of pasta, loads of veggie broth and V-8, onion).
Dinner: Steve's famous mashed potatoes (some marg. and skim milk, with the peel on), swis chard with garlic and olive oil, 1 soy chicken patty, fat free fake gravy. Gooey and awesome.
Snack: Nibbled on 4 little halloween bars. Bad Una.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Back on Track

I'm very pleased with my day. I got the planned workout in, and added another. My heel was pretty tender last night and this morning so going in for ART on Wed for the heel and groin. Should help!

Breakfast: Egg whites with ff cheese and skim chocolate milk.
Snack: 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal (9g of protein!) and 1 cup of skim milk.
Lunch: Still full from snack, but had 1/2 cup of leftover rice and 1/2 cup leftover mixed vegetables.
Pre-swim: 1 baked potato (need the potassium to combat those leg cramps), 1 tsp butter.
Post-swim: Huge Caesar salad (low fat dressing) and glass of skim chocolate milk.

Got 3 glasses of milk in :) Trying to focus on my calcium intake.

Decided after last night's humbling swim class to pay another visit to the pool. We were there 40 minutes, but I swam about 30. It was so hard, I just can't seem to get good form. Oh well, got the heartrate up!

MUB done! It was tough, but not as tough as the first time. I have to change my hand position though... shoulders still making too much noise.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Run day!

I had the best run today! Why was it so great? I finally felt like I was getting somewhere, and at the end I PASSED SOMEONE! I haven't passed anyone in about 2 years.

Because this week was such a crapfest on so many levels, I'm restarting my program today.

Pre-run: 1 sl. whole grain toast with cheese whiz. Water.
Post run: 1 toasted whole grain bagel with 2 tsp margarine and thick slice of tomato. Finished the gatorade from the run.
Lunch: 1 Baked potato, 1 tsp margarine, ff sour cream, cheese sandwich. Water.
Pre-swim: 2 slices pizza, green pepper, mushroom, green olive, light on cheese.
Post-swim: Chinese food - mixed veggies and veggie fried rice. Going to pay for this sodium fest tomorrow.

Run: Set out to do 6.5k. I haven't done 6.5k in a few weeks. It was -1 with the windchill and I found it tough to breathe. After 10 minutes I was perfectly warm, so I was dressed perfectly. My lungs weren't happy with the air supply and I struggled, but was able to maintain a 6:30-6:45 /km pace, which is consistent. Finished 5k in 33:44 and the full run of 6.762k in 45:32. Felt great to have it done, though stayed cold for about an hour afterwards. Brought back the marathon training chills where it took hours to get my body warm again!

Swim: 2nd class of 2nd session of swim class. I got bumped down to a less advanced class, which sucked in a way, but I wasn't ready to swim laps in the deep end for 25m at a time without the wall for safety. Jenna (the class I got bumped to) didn't want to see us in her class, because we didn't really belong there either! Katie stayed in the original Level 2 class and they were doing front crawl, butterfly and flip turns! Jenna said that was Level 3. So she's going to chat with the supervisor to see if an in between class can be arranged. I'm going to trey to get to the pool tomorrow night to practice some more.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Coming along

Ok, so feeling better today. Steve arrived home late, and I accidentally slept in this morning. My tummy is much better, though not hungry and forcing myself to eat. I still have a lot of problems turning my head... should make swim class mighty interesting!

Breakfast: 2 Eggos with cheese whiz light and glass of skim chocolate milk.
Snack: 1/3 pomegranite. Gotta love a fruit you have to work for!
Lunch: Cheese sandwich (2 sl. whole grain bread, lettuce, ff mayo, low fat cheddar), large spinach salad (with honey dijon dressing, raisins and almonds), and another glass of skim chocolate milk
Pre-Swim Dinner: Toasted bagel with tomato (whole grain bagel with 2 tsp marg).
Post-Swim Dinner: We stopped at Burger King for a BK Veggie (no cheese or mayo) and fries (blush). We were starving!

Run: Stiffest 5k ever! Yes, I looked like Frankie over there. Watched the first 30 minutes of 'White Noise' while treadding it out.

Swim: First class of this session. We have a new instructor, and I'm not feeling too great about it. My other instructors over the past year have had very structured drills, etc. This one left the class very open ended - if you don't want to do this, then do something else. Hmm... The class was very large (this is normal for the first class, they normally split it in the second class), and I hope that next class it's a little more organized.

We did kick drills with flutterboards to warm up, then went straight to front crawl. I really struggled to keep my ear against my shoulder when breathing, but that might have to do with my stiff neck. But it's done! 50 mins in the books.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Bad to Worse...

Sigh... what the heck did I eat?!? I was doubled over most of the night, let's leave it at that.

After a whopping 3 hours sleep, I *woke* to a 'crick' (sp) in my neck. After many magic bags, one hot bath, one hot shower and lots of twists and turns, I still can't look left. This compounded with the stomach issues last night called it a day from the get go.

Breakfast: I forced down a bagel with tomato (toasted) at breakfast.
Lunch: I forced down a 'Lick's Shepherds Pie'. Was the most disgusting thing I ever ate.
Snack: Mini chocolate bars and Lays Ripple chips - salt and chocolate settles my stomach better than anything.
Dinner: Feeling much better had loads of veggies with pasta, sauce and low fat cheese.

Cardio: Zip

Strength: Using it all to type this post.

Night kids.