From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, July 30, 2006


I got out there for a run. Finally. I've been spooked about the numbness and tingling a few weeks ago, and with the stress of the move in August, getting all our ducks in a row, and trying to succeed at work, it's not been easy. But today was the day.

We woke to 15C! It's been mid 30's for weeks, even first thing in the morning, +30 and humid. It was beautiful. So we went out for 8AM. I was hoping for 5k, but was going to take anything the running gods were willing to give today. It's been almost a month since I ran last, and sporadic runs before that. Frankly, it's been a crappy couple of training years.

I ran 1k, walked 100m, ran 900m, walked 100m, then had to drop it down to keep my heart rate under an abysmal 160. The next 2 k were run 500m, walk 50m. I finished with 250m more. So in total an earth shattering 4.25k. Sigh. But it's a start.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Where's that slug picture again?

I have not run in a month or so. Hopefully it hasn't been longer. I have no tingly symptoms since that nasty week. My only excuse is being swamped with work, trying to pack up the house, get the new house arrangements in line, and stressed beyond belief. I know, the most important thing for me to do would be to work out, but I really want to curl up in a ball.

Stress sucks.

So during a training seminar today, I watched my computer screen, put the phone on speaker, and did a strength workout. I feel better having done so. Motivation... yooo hooo... I'm here.... come find me.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Where the Hell is Matt?

This vid made me so happy. Look at those kids from Rwanda. Makes my crankiness seem petty to see the joy they have with nothing.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Crazy? Sick? Tired?

Last week was INSANE. By Friday I had finished 10 days straight of 7AM-midnight working. I'm tired. I went to bed a week ago Wednesday, with a really sore chest. Strange feeling I'd never had before. I finally fell asleep, and woke with my left toe numb again. It was numb for 3 years from commuting to Toronto twice a month in my old car - diagnosis - pinched nerve. Same toe, numb. So I sit at my desk and realize that my fingers on my left hand are tingling. HUH? I start to get concerned, then the headache hits. My heart goes 'wencke' for 30 minutes and I've decided I've had a stroke. So what do I do? Breathe.

I'm not going to the hospital. I'm so tired of my annual health crisis. Granted, everyone of them has turned out to be legit. BUT COME ON, I live such a clean life, I'm f*cking tired of setbacks.

Things could be worse, much much worse, and I should be grateful for the good health I do have 99% of the time. But it gets so demoralizing sometimes.

Yesterday morning my toe had 'thawed'. My fingers still tingle every so often but they are not numb.

Self-diagnosis? Pinched nerves from sitting in this $1500 Hermann Miller work provided office chair for far too many hours, far too many days.

After sleeping most of last weekend and working only half days to get some things out of the way (that's how we spend our Canada Day long weekend!), last night was the first night off. Back working tonight.

I love my job, and hope I don't get laid off in the NEXT round of rounds. But I need a break. Or at least to be paid for the OT.
