From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I thought when my daughter was out of elementary school, the germs would stop. Not so. Then I thought, when she's out of high school, her immunity will be top notch, and the germs will stop. Still not so.

My sweet baby is 20 years old in university, working two jobs. Like every child going to school in the fall, she came home with a bug. I gladly accepted this bug as my own :(

When talking with my sister on the phone on Thursday instead of saying 'hello', she says 'you're sick!!'. Um, no, I feel fine. She says 'no, you're sick!'. She keeps repeating that. 24 hours later my head is about to explode, my stomach is upset. Jinxed I guess. I've slept most of the weekend, my tummy is still funny, my hair still hurts, my sinuses and eyes are screaming, but that's about it. No better no worse.

My daughter on the other hand, has morphed once again into 'Mucosa of Ottawa South'. Poor kid.

I'm going back to bed :(

Maybe a run tomorrow... please...


I thought when my daughter was out of elementary school, the germs would stop. Not so. Then I thought, when she's out of high school, her immunity will be top notch, and the germs will stop. Still not so.

My sweet baby is 20 years old in university, working two jobs. Like every child going to school in the fall, she came home with a bug. I gladly accepted this bug as my own :(

When talking with my sister on the phone on Thursday instead of saying 'hello', she says 'you're sick!!'. Um, no, I feel fine. She says 'no, you're sick!'. She keeps repeating that. 24 hours later my head is about to explode, my stomach is upset. Jinxed I guess. I've slept most of the weekend, my tummy is still funny, my hair still hurts, my sinuses and eyes are screaming, but that's about it. No better no worse.

My daughter on the other hand, has morphed once again into 'Mucosa of Ottawa South'. Poor kid.

I'm going back to bed :(

Maybe a run tomorrow... please...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

I missed a day :(

Boo. Oh well, I missed some work time yesterday due to an appt, and had to catch up over lunch and after work. Ran out of time because I had to go shopping (seriously, we're in the sticks now and I need a car to shop, and with Steve working 14 evenings straight, I finally had the car last night!), and then had to watch LOST. So we ate pizza :o/

Today wasn't much better, as I needed the car so drove Steve to work. On the upside, I went for my first swim since the early summer. It was crap. However perceived exertion was huge.

Tomorrow's a run day. Wooo!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Speaking in circles

What the heck is that about? It rained for over two weeks, zero sunshine. Yesterday, blue sky and sun. Today, back to rain and another week's worth.

So what do I do? Get out there and have the BEST run. My best runs are always in the pouring rain. I feel I could have done more, though when I was reached my laneway, I was pooped.

Now I'm feeling the doms from yesterday's strength training. Whoa nelly it hurts! Don't make me laugh....

What a great day :)

Monday, October 16, 2006


Finally, suddenly, I have motivation! Where the heck did that come from?

My running has been sporadic (once/twice a week) for a couple of weeks, then nothing for 10 days. Then all of a sudden I wanted to get out there. And I have... since Tuesday last week (the day after Thanksgiving) I've run one day, walked the next, repeat. Today I walked 5k over lunch (finally, the sun came out after 10 days... SAD was really starting to sink me) enjoying blue sky and not pouring rain. Tonight I did a strength/yoga session. It's been an hour and my arms are still shaking enough to make it hard to type. Wooo!

Tomorrow's a run day, nothing fancy, back to 3/1 over 35 mins, building up to 30 mins straight (Running Room LTR, which all going well, should be in about 7 weeks).

Now, if only I could convince my body to get more than 5 hours sleep per night, I'd be all set.