From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Friday, March 31, 2006


Went the guy with yield shaped calf implants (ok, not true, but they sure looked defined!). It was 22C/72F today in Ottawa. I had to take the bike out... I don't care if there's still snow on the ground, the pavement is dry, dry, dry!!

I went a new route, after the 2km of pure traffic induced terror I reached the road with the bike lane... ahhhh... 2km after that I was out of bike lane, but also of major traffic. Only had to contend with a few cars per minute and the odd schoolbus and transport. Not so bad.

Wicked headwind on the way out, kept my cadence above 80RPM but only going 22km/hr when calfman flew by like I was standing still. Oh ya?!? I know how to deal with you! Turn around with the wind at my back and take a side road (to be honest I was almost at the end of this one where it become highway suicide again). On the way back I capped at 34km/hr because I really don't like going too fast when there are transports. I'm sure that will come. In total 22km in 55 minutes including stoplights.

KT and I went for a walk after work to loosen my legs a bit... they are complaining slightly about the daily hour of cardio.

So yesterday I planned to only go 3k on the treadmill because my knees were sore, I had a sore throat and low grade fever (surrounded by germs in this house!) and was really pooped. Watched Lost and next thing I knew it was 45 minutes down. Thank you! Capped the day workout wise with 20 minutes of strength training.

Now for yesterday's highlight. I had my first consultation with the nutritionist (it's through work's EAP so over the phone, which works better for me anyway). She took down a week's worth of workouts, 3 days worth of food intake and my height and weight stats. I also told her that I have really thin arms and legs, carrying all the fat in my belly (not good... I know... this is why I'm so desperate with the nutritionist!). She's going to send me a nutrition plan, encouraged me to increase my weight training to 30 minutes per session next week, and to get a true fat to muscle ration test at the local university (calipers or whatever other measurement tool they have). She is perplexed by my struggle to lose weight, and in the end asked the most unexpected of questions: "Have you ever considered liposuction?" HUH???? I started laughing. She said she'd never ever recommended that before, but felt in my case as long as I kept up my eating habits and workout regime, I might be healthier for it. Um, no lipo thank you. Never gonna happen.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I am the wind!

I love Col. Flagg days. And today, I am the wind! I felt like I was flying on my run. Granted, it's slightly downhill on the way out and there's always a tail wind, but today was really windy, so I got smoking fast times on the way out, and less stellar in comparison (though on par with my normal pace) on the way back. 5k down. I am the wind.

Tonight was 2nd last swim class with Hot Boy Instructor. He killed us. My arms and shoulders are buzzing, my legs aching. But it feels sooooo goooooooood. 500m in the log.

The nutritionist called today, appt tomorrow at 6:30PM. Hopefully she holds the key to the elusive weight puzzle.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Another day, another 5k

And a good one at that. Love days like these. Capped the day with a walk in the sunshine, bringing the cardio to 70 minutes.

Made an awesome soup dinner (Asian Tofu Noodle Soup)... sounds icky but is delicious, low cal, very filling and high in protein.

Had a very relaxing evening, long bubble bath reading fitness mags, I feel like a queen!

Tomorrow is a 3k (though I think that's wrong! Going to have to check that out) and swim class.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Yesterday, and today

I had the best run yesterday! It was a steady effort, nice low average heart rate, almost easy! Love runs like that. It was 0C/32F but the sun was blinding, and my black leggings were hot! Yay spring!

I then was out shopping and zipping around the rest of the afternoon, then after dinner fell asleep. Woke up a little after 8. Missed swim class. :( Going to have to make that up later in the week.

Today is a strength training day. Was able to finish the Self Challenge workout, though I had to do 2 sets at the end after the abs. My shoulders were too sore to do it when I was supposed to in the plan. But it's done!

I've decided to do a minimum of 60 minutes of something every day. So in addition to the 20 minutes of strength training (I know, it's wee for most!), I had a 20 minute power walk to and from the grocery store, on the way back with a backpack full of groceries. After work caught the last bit of sun when out for another 23. 63 for today, so I'm happy.

Off to watch Project Runway!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I'll be swell, I'll be great, gonna have the whole world on a plate

startin' here, startin' now... everything's comin' up roses...

Now that I've got that out of the way... it's a great day here in my nation's capital. It felt like spring again! And I feel great!!

It started off with lousy sleep as Steve was up in the middle of the night feeling crappy and woke me up... um honey... a whole bunch of forehead kisses at 3:30AM before you head to the couch is not the best way to sneak out quietly! It's sweet. But I would have preferred the sleep! He woke me again on his way back in at 5:30. At least he was feeling better.

Anyway! We went grocery shopping very early, and because I hate line ups, walked out of the first store (I'll pay $1.49 for romaine instead of $0.45 if it means no lineups). We bumped into my brother at the store :) which was fun.

I came home and hopped on the bike trainer. I really tried for 45 mins, and could have done 45 mins as my legs and lungs were up for it, but my right foot was aching so badly. No idea why, but I've had it happen before. Maybe it's because I've not been on the bike regularly for a while, or maybe I need my orthotics adjusted. Regardless, I quit at 33 mins.

I was starving so shared a smoothie with my daughter, had a small plate of homemade nachos (tsk tsk, but in all 500 calories...). After an hour I headed off to the pool. My arms and back are still sore from the Self Challenge strength training workout - so I quit at 250m (not much for many of you, but as a new swimmer, loads when not taking more than 30 second breaks in between 25m laps!). I've also got a class tomorrow, so didn't want to overdo the shoulders.

Came home, met up with my brother AGAIN, then went shopping with my daughter. Since hubby is in Toronto overnight, KT and I watched Cycle 1 of Top Model (Disk 1), then played scattergories. I'm so pooped! Off to bed :)

Tomorrow morning calls for a run, then swim class tomorrow night.

I'm so excited, I've met every one of my fitness and calorie goals this week. Rah!!

Friday, March 24, 2006


Great merciful crap was I tired this morning. Doing a new strength training workout from the Self Challenge got my heart rate up, which is a bonus, but not at 11PM. I was wired for sound still at midnight. Steve was snoring like a buzz saw for some reason, so I took to the couch, where my boy Lu woke me with his purring kitty self at 3:30AM. It was not a good night's sleep.

I did get my 5k run in today. I was scrambling to get as much work done as I could so I hopped on the treadmill while watching the rest of Project Jay and the beginning of cycle 2 of America's Next Top Model, where Shandi get's down with the stranger. It was entertaining enough, the time flew by. I felt a few twinges in my heel though, it's been some weeks since I've done 3 runs in a row. Made friends briefly with the tennis ball this afternoon, and will continue over the weekend.

Tomorrow the plan calls for a 45 min trainer workout (I can watch the rest of Top Model). I'm also going to make up for my missed swim on Wednesday in the afternoon - KT and I have a date to do laps. Yay! Not sure if the planned strength training is going to be reduced to core work only or not. My shoulders are cranky from yesterday's workout, and if they are sore after the swim, I'm not pushing my luck (I've had bursitis before, don't want it back).

Better get to bed.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It's gone....

whatever little crappy fever that kept me shivering instead of swimming last night. I will make up that swim either tomorrow or Saturday.

Today's run was awesome oddly enough. 4k as planned, flew by as I watched Project Jay, taped from Sunday night. I love Project Runway! Can't wait to find out who wins (I know it's over in the U.S., but we're several weeks behind here). I refuse to watch any entertainment show that mentions them, or visit any websites.

Strength training in a bit. Going to study now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is it 5:00 yet? Oh ya, it is!

I've had a serious lack of motivation this afternoon. Could it be because yesterday's inbox held an Outlook invitation to a job interview that very afternoon?!? Thanks for the notice! Though I suppose I should have been prepping for it since the end of February when I first heard of it. It's over, it went very well, he's on vacation next week and will be in touch the first week of April. He's contacting HR to see if he can close the req now, or whether he has to leave it open for x days. He also wants to know whether he can hire me now without going through more interviews, since the other applicants don't have the skillset he wants (and I do!). Here's hoping he can close the req and send me the 'offer you can't refuse' as he phrased the next steps. My fear is the perfect candidate will apply at the 11th hour. Always waiting for that other shoe to drop.

I did get my run in today. Schedule only called for a wee 4k, but Kiefer and I lost track of time and pulled out an easy 5. Why oh why is he not permanently in t-shirts this season? Or just the vest, ya, that would be nice.

Ahem, back to the run. It went very quickly which is always nice when on the mill. It's still snowing and I didn't feel like going through the effort of getting dressed in all those layers. Tomorrow's supposed to be warmer, the plan is to head outdoors and get some natural vitamin D. Sadly, Keifer won't be with me....

Focus Una! Tonight is swim class. Feeling some serious motivation thanks to Dawn's swim. Will post about that later.

My boys.. by request

As kittens.... awww...

As lazy boys

Formal Lu

Monday, March 20, 2006

Back to Mubbing

Today was a pretty good day! I'm almost caught up at work from 3 months of two jobs. Unlike last Monday, my legs feel great after yesterday's run/swim. I feel my core (from the swim drills) and my shoulders but it's all good!

So today after work I decided to get my strength training in. It went well, too easy almost. Strange. I tormented Salem, the 20 lb Salami who loves shadows, as the weights were reflecting the sun on the carpet, walls, everywhere. Poor thing!Some sort of run planned for tomorrow, I think 4k. Sounds good!

Sunday, March 19, 2006


I think I'm ready for Spring! Woke to a blizzard this morning. Checked the weather channel, and sure enough, it was -14C with the wind. And it was windy! We were aiming for 6-8k, but settled for a wussie 5.5.

Tonight was swim class. Wouldn't you know it? Know one showed but me, so I got private lessons from HotBoy Instructor. In total I covered a minimum of 500m (I lost count of the 25m laps), front crawl, back crawl, and drills. I really feel my muscles after his class. Much more so than with my other instructors!

Going to bed now, need to be up early to get some study in. I hope to have an interview this week!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Stupid Blogger!

I'm back, finally. Since Wednesday I've been unable to access this account to post anything. Oh well, I guess I can't complain too loudly, I'm not paying for it.

Trying to stay on track exercise wise, I'm down one run (too much work then had to go into the office... I know, poor me), but up one weight's session.

Swimming went really well on Wednesday, until the foot cramps, which I get every class, started. Then I got really nauseated and had to leave the pool. Hot boy instructor was right, it was dehydration. Next class I'm bringing fluids.

Today, the bike trainer! I can't wait to ride outside, but it's still well below zero, lots of ice on the roads, and, well, snowing!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

A fair day

Would have been a better day had I eaten my normal breakfast and not gone out to celebrate Steve's new job and birthday. However, we must do these things :)

I kept my choices pretty good, but it was still quite a bit more than I usually have and much heavier fare.

When we finally went out to run at 3PM, I was really cramped and belchy. I hate that! I did my best, but cut the 8k short to 6.6k. That really burns.

Tonight was swim class and hot boy instructor was away, so we had wee girlie (my she's tiny!). We started off with 2x25m of front crawl (again, I had a heck of a time breathing), then 2x25 back crawl, then 2x25 whip kick. We introduced arms to the whip kick on our backs (elementary back stroke) and did that for 4x25m. We finished off with 2x25 front crawl. Total 300m.

I was really bagged afterwards.

My goal for the week is to get to sleep at a normal time. Getting 4-5 hours per night isn't cutting it, and the journals say that it helps cause belly fat. I have enough of that, thank you very much!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


It sure feels like it! The sun is brighter and warmer, the temps are above freezing, my basement is leaking (grrrr)... and due to some flash freezes after a few snowfalls, we have an ice bank at the end of the laneway. With the melting snow the ice bank had trapped enough water in front of it, i.e. in my laneway, that walking through it was almost above the ankles by noon yesterday.

So I began to chop it. The ice is at least 4 inches thick. I created enough of a channel to get the water to flow onto the street (yay!) and chopped about a foot on all sides, dumping that onto the street. It took about an hour. My shoulders are screaming today. I may head out again in a bit and torture myself some more... it's like a peeling sunburn, you gotta pic at it.

Then out for a run (it's been since Tuesday!!), tomorrow's run, since we're brunching with the fam tomorrow, and I don't run well after brunch. Too greasy, no matter how healthy my choices are.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Oh dear me...

Swim class #3 tonight, with hot boy instructor. Only two of us showed tonight.

For some ungodly reason I broke out in mild hives about 1 hour before class, and that always effects my breathing. I felt ok to go though, so off I went.

Got in the pool, whole class in the deep end... er... the diving end (as deep as it gets.. great...). We started off with egg beater for a good 10 minutes, then 6x15m front crawl, where I discovered I couldn't catch my breath (hives or deep end panic?), which made for a very frustrating ordeal. Seb had the brains to wear a floatation belt so it was easy for him! We then proceeded with 8x15m back crawl. Much better. Then whip kick. I can't whip, I float too much. So hot boy instructor tells us to do it very slowly, no arms, across the 15m, hugging a flutter board to stay afloat. What the heck? Who's touching my toes?!?!?! Near miss hot boy instructor... you almost got my foot in your face. He proceeded to 'walk' me through the form for 10 minutes holding my feet and putting them through the motions. I giggled like schoolgirl.

God that was embarrassing.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Had to do this!

You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?

A little inspiration

Today's run was GREAT! And I almost bailed too because I was starving. But got on the scale to 1.5 lbs heavier than yesterday (considering I've been a good foodie, it's water weight, but was enough to get me moving anyway!).

Watched a biography on the 'Crazy Canucks' while on the treadmill. Before I knew it, run was done, I could have gone on. But we'll leave that for tomorrow.

My knees continue to remind me that I took 3 weeks off, but they aren't hurt. Just warm. It's good for them.

Other updates... Steve started his new job, so far so good. Still no posting for the job I intend on getting (never hurts to remain positive), though the Manager emailed me today apologizing for not posting it yet, and asking if I was still interested. I replied "cramming my head with as much Java and SQL as it will take". He came back with "I'll let you know the minute it's posted". Again, the job is mine, unless someone better comes along. Go away better people!

Monday, March 06, 2006

The Run

It went ok!

AHR 142 (better)
MHR 164 (not real... it was starting out, not enough sweat yet)

Truly uneventful, though boring on the treadmill, I didn't feel like facing the cold. Besides, it's faster to run inside, don't have to get into all those layers, etc.

Listened to Phedippidations. Excellent as always.

Going to make some dinner now :)

Catch up

Ok, I know I had another run last week (Thursday) just never got around to posting I guess. But that would have been the last one. Supposed to run on Sunday but felt awful. Stomach off, sore back, headache, the works.

So we went to the RV show (man some of those things are HUGE), looked at model homes, ate at this well reviewed burger place (um... $32 for both of us??? Mine was a mushroom for pete's sake!). Too greasy (the sliced spuds on the side and the sundried tomatoes I think) , felt even worse. We came home and fell asleep on couch, naturally, felt every worse after that! Drank a litre of water and wandered off to swim class. Felt MUCH better after that.

It was only Sebastian and I who showed (the other guy we knew was going to be out of town) and Bonnie left for the level 3 class (she's so funny, she has a crush on one of the guys in the class so she moved on... good for her, if it improves her swimming!). With just the two of us we worked pretty hard. I'm really seeing some improvement though (I'm going faster now). We did 150m front crawl then moved into back crawl drills for the rest of the class (200m). We then worked on endurance for 150m. He timed us for 25m... it took us 25s (though I bumped into Sebastian and we both stopped for a few seconds), so I think we were 23s for 25m. Kyle (instructor) intends to give us time drills at the end of each class, i.e. 30s per lap. So if we finish in 23s we have 7 second to rest before taking off again. If we finish in 29s we only have one. And he's going to be watching our form too to make sure we're not cheating to speed up to finish faster and have more time to rest.

By end of class my legs/arms were buzzing. In total I *think* we did 500m, it might have been 50 more. Lost track!

I really like Kyle, he seems to get results from me. I just wish he'd stop looking at my form until I've lost another 40 lbs... ;)

Today is supposed to be an off day running, but since I've not done anything and it's beautiful out there (though stinkin' cold right now still), I'm planning on 4-5k on the roads. I can't wait!

Will post later.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

How to inspire in swim class

Get a new instructor who's a hot young man! Ok, so he's a very good instructor and managed to get me to swim much faster and with better form than ever. But c'mon! Hot young guy looking at your oversized rear makes you want to move move move!! FYI, not exaggerating on the rear-watch, I was told I'm sticking it up too high and my hips are too tight. OK!

Since it was first class it consisted mostly of skills tests, and I got bumped to the higher Level 2 (or 2.5 as we like to call it). We didn't get too much meterage (is that a word? like yardage, only metric?) in, but were dying nonetheless. In total I calculated a whopping 300m. Hahahahaha.

Oh well, better than no metres.

Since work was so nasty yesterday there was no time for my wee 3k run, so I opted to push it to today. HR was still slightly higher than I'd like, but it felt much better than Tuesday's. Broke out in hives towards then end again. Maybe too much cat hair/dust in the basement.

Tomorrow (i.e. what was originally today's planned run) calls for a wee 4k. I love these little kms while I work my way back from illness. Here's hoping tomorrow's continues to feel better. I can't wait :) and that's a GREAT sign!