Citizens of Ottawa? That 25cm of snow we're expecting overnight? My fault. We bought these pretty babies last weekend, and I've been dying to try them out. They are made to run in!
My running is still sporadic at best, and I'm struggling to get a decent 5k in. Still coughing, getting over the flu from 5 weeks ago. It's a lulu. To hopefully guard against any other nasty flus this year I got my flu shot yesterday. My arm hurts. Wuss.
Today's run was lousy, which I think had to do with the flu shot. I've been feeling draggy all day. I still ran 75% of my run today, and I'm happy with that. Tuesday's run in the snow/rain was brutal too! I should have worn my Elmer Fudd hat. That would have made it much more bearable. It's too bad I ran through puddles up to my ankles not once, but twice. Yay me!
On the sched for this week - work, hopefully a couple of runs, a little strength training, a movie (colleague invited me to one she won passes for) and some Christmas shopping. I did a little online yesterday and that's about it.
I'd better get to the kitchen and make some breakfast bars, prep some carrots and celery for lunches, then iron my clothes for the week. Tomorrow, while Steve is playing with our new snowblower, I'm a-goin' shoein'! Wheeeee!