I didn't really have much to say workout-wise. My foot had been hurting for a few weeks before I started P90X. Running was going well, but my foot was sore. Then one Friday it was really really sore. I couldn't put weight on it much, it felt like I needed to crack it. So I took a few days off. A few days wasn't enough, because it lingered. Then finally it felt ok for two days so I ran again. And it hurt.
The next day I was hit with severe acid reflux. I have had acid reflux for a few years, and last year finally started taking meds for it. It was sooooo much better! I could sleep, I could eat. It was great. Then that Friday I was in agony. I was up all night, couldn't lie down, couldn't sit up. The only position that hurt less was standing. So that's what I did mostly. I started a detox the next day, and lost 10 lbs in 7 days. It was nasty. But after two weeks I'm almost back to normal, and Sunday Steve and I returned to running! He got the ok from the orthopedic surgeon, that even though his break isn't fully healed, it's almost there, so he can run, slowly, safely. Hurray! Problem was, my foot. Again. It really hurt when I ran, hurt more when I walked. When I was finished it settled down after a few hours and feels mostly ok today. I fear that it's going to flare up again, whatever it is, the minute I run again, which will be tomorrow.
So I booked an appt with my ART/Massage miracle worker, Tracy, for Wednesday. I don't think it's PF, I haven't had a flare up since my orthotics, but maybe this is something she can identify, or at least rule out scar tissue or something muscular. Besides, it takes at least 2 weeks to see my doctor, and his walk in has you sitting there for 3-4 hours, which I don't have time for.
In other news, my department is undergoing a massive re-org. We are going from 500 job descriptions to 30. We find out on between Oct 31 and Nov 2 whether we have a 1-1 match with a new job description, or whether our current roles are redundant, and we have to apply for jobs within the new org. Rah. I am soooo tired of this. The big announcement came Oct 11, the next day I had the acid reflux attack. Ya, no relation there.
I should be working on my resume, but I'm just not into it. I'll do that tomorrow. Maybe.
Labels: injuries, sick, Steve, work