I've been popping by to visit some blogs to send seasons greetings, and catch up a little. I really would love to be more consistent, but there never seem to be enough hours in the day. 2007 is a new year, with new resolutions, and this will be one of them.
I have re-organized by bloglines, weeding out some I will never have time to read, and have never commented to, so that might help!
Christmas was lovely - we hosted this year as promised. Steve's Mom came to visit for a few days, and it was great! Katie had laryngitis so missed 5 days of work (independent cd store, only 3 of them work at the busiest times, and you need a voice for that, so her boss told her to stay home). She now sounds like she did last Monday - like a man. Hopefully in another couple of days her voice will be back! At any rate, it was great fun.
The snow stayed away, as it has in many communities this year. It just didn't feel like Christmas. But 11PM on Christmas Day the snow fell, and stayed! Weeeeeeeeee!
I'm on holidays through January 8th, getting rested and focused for the new year. First thing on the agenda is to become a runner again. I've been pretty much a lost cause in this department since Mom passed away almost two years ago. Depression has been dogging me, but I'm keeping it at bay as best I can with self-care. Buying my first home this year was a great boon to my moods, though a ton of stress, expense and time sucker. I love my house, and feel a million times better here.
Back to running. The training plan is in place to get me back with one foot in front of the other. I am starting back at the beginning, yes 11 years ago. I can run 5 minutes straight, and repeat enough to get 5k down, but feel I need a week off afterwards. This pains me to no end, but it's the reality that I put myself in. So I will start over safely, each run will feel easy, and I will look forward to the next one. At least that's how I hope it will be! The training plan is 10 weeks to a 5k (with 20 minutes straight). Then the
National Capital Race Weekend's MDS Nordion 10k. I'd be thrilled with a solid 10k in May! It would be my longest run in a year!
2007 is the year I turn 40. I guess I'd better think of some goals for that. I did have one 'before 40' goal, to race my first tri, this will not happen. After 3 solid years of bi-weekly swim lessons, I've only been able to swim a few hundred metres, each of these with breaks every 25m. I've given up that goal, and I'm ok with it. I gave it an honest try, but I am not a swimmer, and don't think I ever will be. I hate it if truth be told. I don't regret the lessons, I can now swim, I'm not afraid of the water (though I'm still too afraid to dive), and have the confidence to kayak. I see this as a win.
I'd best wrap this up! Hopefully I'll be more consistent in my blogging!