From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

5 more

Wooop! Got in another 5k on the treadmill today. My legs didn't hurt at all from Monday's run which whooped me, nor from MUB yesterday (though I only did one set). I felt great!

I listened to Steve Runner's Phedippidations podcast. It was really motivating.

While on the mill I was thinking of how this hasn't been my best year training wise, though it's ending better than it started to a degree. I started to flip out a little about marathon training beginning in January, then realized it wasn't until the end of January. That gives me 4 more weeks to build base. Rah!!

I can do this, and I will!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MUB done!

Ok so knitting these dish cloths for last minute Christmas gifts, and watching Buffy Season 1, and wouldn't you know it? I decide not to be a total slacker and I get my MUB in! Granted, only did one set, because I am still full from dinner, but I still got 10 minutes. I'm happy!

Now to keep this momentum!

Tomorrow's schedule - 5k run. I can do that :)

Monday's Run

I forgot to post last night!

Monday's run was tough... intention was 10k, dropped at 7.6. There was some snow, so every step involved some slipback, but need to get back on the program!

Anyway, it was windy and cool, but dressed appropriately, if only the fintess was there. On the upside, AHR was 155, much better than last week's outdoor run.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Had to share this...

Your Christmas is Most Like: A Very Brady Christmas
For you, it's all about sharing times with family.Even if you all get a bit cheesy at times.
What Movie Is Your Christmas Most Like?

Feeling some sense of accomplishment...

Getting what needs to be done, done. I really don't like Christmas, too many haunting childhood memories. This year, without Mom is going to be a struggle, but we'll get through it. That and I miss my Tig, who I had to put down on Dec 9. Sigh...

But only 3 more presents to buy! Need to get Christmas dinner food, and I'm done.

Today finished the house cleaning, the baking and best of all:

Got on the trainer! What a quiet little devil she is. I am going to be hurting tomorrow! 30 minutes, not a second longer, but it's done. I feel rockin' good about it too.

Going to update my stats now... I've not lost any weight since I began my program, but if I actually worked it, I would stand a better chance! So working it I shall, starting right now.

Peace out.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Saturday, AM

Ok, so so far I've slept in (nice cuddles) until 8:30, ate breakfast, drove Steve to work, shopped for cookie containers, bumped into some old friends at Loblaws, drive KT to work, had lunch, started cleanup, decided to change into a T-Shirt, while here decided to check the email and a couple of blogs and found this:

Your Personality Profile
You are sexy, powerful, and bold.You're full of passion and energy...Sometimes this passion has a dark side.
You feel most alive when you're seducing someone.You never fail to get someone's attention.Quick minded, you're also quick to lose your temper!
The World's Shortest Personality Test

Had to post it. LOL.

This afternoon I finish house cleaning, hit the trainer, bake the cookies (or bake them tomorrow, either is cool) and read. I feel more relaxed already.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Snow day!

Well we had a bit of snow! Good thing we got the run in yesterday because not only was today a day with too much work... 12 hours is more than enough, thank you, but I shoveled the laneway 3 times. I feel my abs, they are in there somewhere!

I never did MUB, but I think I made up for it today.

Steve fixed the bike trainer yesterday, so I think I'll give it a test run tomorrow, after shovelling again (expecting another 5 or so cms) and house cleaning. Then must finish the baking!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

5k down

Holy crap it was cold! -21C is a little too nippy when you're used to running on the mill! It was a really tough run, my AHR a steady 163, not good at all. I think it was because of the extra clothes, cold and wind, or maybe just out of shape. Feeling really bloated tonight - I guess I shouldn't be having a second diet ginger ale, it's too fizzy.

One step in the right direction.

Work was ok - got 50% of the outstanding work in, and finished it at 9PM. Glad that part is over. I just hope I don't get the last of it tomorrow at 5PM, because that will really piss me off.


Wednesday, December 14, 2005


It's been 15 days since my last post. That's stupid.

I'm in rant mode.

I am so tired right now I could cry. That, PMS, and general stress is getting to me.

I wish Steve would sleep through the night and not be awake at 3. He tries to be still but I still sense it and lay awake trying to get back to sleep. I have too much work to do, doing too much OT, stressed over assuming someone else's role while keeping my own, and mostly because I have been at my desk for 2 hours waiting for work to come in from my colleagues job that's going to take days to do. The deadline was Wednesday people! If it's not here by tomorrow morning there are no guarantees, yet I know it's just going to get escalated by some whiners and I'll be stuck doing it late in the night and on weekends when I'm supposed to be off.

That felt good.

I was supposed to run tonight with Steve but it's cold out (it's cold in actually) and I just want to curl in bed and read my book. I think I'll bail on him and he can run on his own if he wants. Probably not the wisest decision, but I'm so tired. Not that he isn't tired, he went in to work at 5AM to get some stuff done and he's not done until 6PM. Poor guy. Maybe I can coerce him into cuddling instead.

Rant off.