What a Day
Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot, considering the lousy self-obsessed blog friend I've been. Thank you :)))
First where I left off yesterday. I cried until 2AM. I surfed Monster and Workopolis to see what's out there. Then I got angry. Then beyond angry to down right p.o.'d. By 6AM I got it out of my system (except for the odd case of weepies) and was ready to draft my action plan.
At 9AM I emailed the Manager who would have been my new Manager when my former boss left for a new role, had my team not split. We'll call him B to protect the innocent. I also emailed my Director. I wrote that I'd hadn't heard from my Manager regarding my status, but could only take this as a bad sign. She mentioned we'd all know our statuses by end of day Thursday, but I feared by then I'd have missed the boat. I listed the jobs I posted for, as well as a very brief outline of my skills, attached my resume, and asked for any help they might be able to give, since they may have greater visibility to any positions yet filled. I IMd my Manager and told her what I'd done to keep her in the loop.
At 9:15 I received an email from my Director asking me to apply for this job ASAP. Then my Mgr called me to tell me to do it right away. I then got from her, finally my status, and yes I was correct, I wasn't an incumbent, and unless I was offered something I would be redundant come Thursday. There would still be some hope, some fallout from jobs others declined, and some turnover, but that wouldn't shake out until I'd be on my notice period.
I applied for the job, and received an Outlook invitation from my Director for 11AM. I was a mess. My sister called to try to cheer me up and I told her that this was the third job I'd been laid off from, and I really didn't want cheering right now. I needed to focus. She understood, and told me to get to it! My brother called. Steve called. I now had an hour to prep. I was still a mess and trying to pull it together, thank goodness it was over the phone because I could fake a cold/stuffiness if needed!
My Director called at 11AM as planned, and asked me why I didn't apply for this job in the first place. I told him it was because I didn't have the certification that was required. He said 'No one has that!! That's the ideal". I told him "well it said required, and I had just signed off on my ethics certification and couldn't in good conscience lie". He told me he liked me even more. So we chatted about my current role, that I've been in for 18 months, and I mentioned that it was only 18 months so he asked about my previous jobs. I wowed him, I was a perfect fit for this job. He made me an offer!!! I thought i was going to pass out. What a roller coaster. To cap things off, it's a level higher than I currently am, so it's a promotion to boot! We were finished our interview at 11:17.
To go from notified to promoted within 90 minutes is crazy. I was stunned. Thrilled. Elated. And soooo sad. I love my current job, but I have a new opportunity now.
At 3:30 this afternoon I get a call from another Manager for another job I applied for. OH.MY.GOD. He asked if I was still interested and I said I would be except I accepted my current Director's posting this morning. He said he knew this because he had lunch with him (he currently reports to him) and he was asked how his hiring was going for his new job when he told him he had a handful left to call, and listed the names. My director told him that I had accepted his offer that morning, so this Manager said he'd take me off the list. My Director said "no go ahead. If you make her an offer, let her decide which is best for her career, and I'll let her off the hook". Wow, that's so descent!!
I think I'm going to get an offer from this Manager too. He seemed very impressed with my skills and asked me to make a choice then and there. I told him I needed to sleep on this. He'll call me tomorrow.
I went from nothing to potentially two jobs, both a level higher. INSANE.
I am so grateful. Someone was looking over me. The planets aligned. I really felt it wasn't my time to go, so I took what control I had and it worked out!
I have decided to stay with the Sr. BA job I accepted this morning. It's going to be more challenging and should the bottom fall out yet in the future yet again, is a much better job title and will offer greater opportunities than Tech Writer.
I am so blessed. I will pay this forward.
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