From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Monday, April 23, 2007

On an upswing

It must be spring, or summer, we've had weather in the 20's/70's. Because I feel like I could fly the past few days!

Back to consistent training, and a little more activity, and loving it. Ran by the canal Wednesday, it was 18C/65F. After 8 inches of snow on Monday. Ya baby! I was able to run 10/1 for 5k, though at the end my heart rate was getting too high for comfort, so I walked for a minute just before my last set of 10. Time was crappy, as expected, but I took 90 seconds on Sunday's 5k time. Progress! And I ran in SHORTS! Ran again on Friday by the canal. Oooh I could get used to this again!

I saw my doctor Thursday, to finally get my results of the tests 6 weeks ago, and another BP check. Oh! but before that I picked up my glasses that I bought on the weekend. I got a great deal, and lucked out with being able to afford prescription sunglasses that I can run in too. Yay! I haven't bought new glasses in 4 years. Wow, it's a bright shiny world out there! Anyway, I had time to spare before my doc appt, so motored over to Mooney's Bay, threw on the iPod and power walked for 25 mins. All morning long I felt my anxiety levels grow over the BP check. I had been following the DASH diet, limiting my sodium to 1500mg as much as possible. I had been working out, but not as much as I'd wanted to because I got sick. And then I passed kidney stones for 2 weeks (this was a party I tell ya). And yay, I lost 3 lbs (by eating an extra 200 cals a day approx), but didn't think that would have an impact. So after my power walk that got me all sweaty and gross, I sat in the car and meditated for 15 mins. Then it was time. After only a 5 min wait, I was called in. My results:

1. Glucose test - not diabetic, not even close. Wooooooot!
2. Thyroid - normal
3. Cholesterol - normal-high. Nothing to worry about yet. This is my next project.
4. Other blood testy stuff - normal
5. Blood in my urine 6 weeks ago, only traces last week, none this week (kidney stones).

Then the BP cuff went on. First reading - 153/98. I say I demand a rematch. He says 'shhhhhhhh' and holds my hand! LOL Second reading 128/90, and the third slightly higher. He thinks that I have white coat syndrome... geeze ya think? I'd been telling him this all along! It's because he keeps threatening to put me on BP drugs! So he told me to buy a BP machine at Costco, and take my BP every morning, and track it. If it's above 140 for 2 months, to go see him.

This morning? 117/73, pulse 56. Boo yah!!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Making progress

Wow, I've got a streak going and I feel great! I even dropped a couple of pounds. Who knew!! While my running is nowhere near my former glory , I know I'll get there again!

The 40 minute minimum is going well again. I really need to clean up my template. I messed up enough that it bums me out to look at my stats. So I'll take the pressure off by removing them for now.

I'm even strength training! What the heck is going on with me!?!

It must have something to do with my doctor's appt tomorrow, to review my test results from 6 weeks ago, and check the old BP. Here's hoping meds aren't in my immediate future. If my BP has dropped at all, I intend to ask for a 4 week rematch :)

Off to get the clothes out of the dryer, and watch me some LOST.

Ooooh! and the best part! After Monday's snow/rain, we're expecting gorgeous weather! I walked to the bookmobile today (as good as the library, request what you want from any library, and they put it on the shelf for you), 40 minute brisk walk in a hoodie. It was 13C!! By the weekend we'll be at 20, and by Monday 23C! That's 73F. Great merciful crap I don't think I can stand it! Sadly I have my final on Monday so I have to study all weekend, but I plan to find a park and sit under a tree for part of it. Boo yah! But it can't be all work and no play, so when Steve gets home from work on Saturday and goes out for his 18k by the canal, I'm bringing out the bike. Woooooooooooooo!

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Good times keep rolling

I'm having the best day! Though it didn't start out that great.

I woke up unexpectedly at 4:30AM. Since we bought the new bed, this rarely happens. I woke feeling kind of lousy, so I took myself to the guest room, climbed in the torture bed and watched Reba, the only non-infomercial on. After this I watched Newsworld and discovered that June Callwood passed away. I heard two weeks ago that she was nearing the end of her battle. She was a great great lady and will be missed.

At 5:30 I'm still awake, and the door opens. Steve wants to know if I'm ok, because he's not sleeping either. We come to the conclusion that his tossing and turning kept me awake. We finally fell back asleep a little after 6AM. Steve was up at 6:45 to get ready for his race, I couldn't move. Blah. Turns out Mr. forgot to take his nic patch off. He's on week 7 and doing GREAT... only one week to go!

Big kitty Salami woke me up at 8:05. Oh crap! I promised I'd cheer Steve on. :( I threw an Eggo in the toaster, put on some running clothes, and got my gear together. Drove like a maniac, found a parking spot far from the race (knowing I would never find parking nearby) and ran to the finish. Because it was already 9AM, with an 8AM start, I expected his 10K was done. Yippee! I didn't miss him! I had a whopping 3 minutes grace before he crossed the finish with a 3 minute PR! The race started late :D . I met some of his Gotta Run peeps, and picked up my run where I left off (1.5k). Steve ran with me, because he was supposed to get 15k in. My heart rate wasn't being cooperative at all, so I'd walk when it would hit 165. It kept coming faster and faster. Booourns. Anyway, I finished my 5k and feel great for it. It will improve!

I've since had a shower, and then a bath as I take forever to warm up. Made some curried tomato couscous soup, and feel like a million bucks American.

Off to homework now! Unless Facebook calls.

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A quiz

Borrowed from txskatemom.

You Are a Pinky

You are fiercely independent, and possibly downright weird.
A great communicator, you can get along with almost anyone.
You are kind and sympathetic. You support all your friends - and love them for who they are.

You get along well with: The Ring Finger

Stay away from: The Thumb


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good times

Finally! I hesitate to say it, as I don't want to jinx myself, but I finally feel like these healthy habits might have an opportunity to stick!

I'm still having some stomach pain, but so infrequent (a few times a day) and so minor, that I hardly notice them. It's more a reminder... "oh ya, I haven't felt this in a while". Yay!

I think I may have been saved. Well not really, but who know! Thursday evening we went to see the Blind Boys of Alabama. I didn't realize it was a benefit concert to raise money for a machine to be used for early diagnosis of degenerative eye conditions, for the eye institute. Even better! I fell in love with Gospel when I began volunteering at the Ottawa Bluesfest in the Gospel tent almost 15 years ago.

The show was wonderful! We clapped, we danced (eventually... this is Ottawa after all) and we sang. I left with a huge smile on my face, which hasn't left me since. Honestly, if I could find a church like that here, I think I could be persuaded to give this religion thing another shot. I am after all, a former Catholic.

Now to those healthy habits. Yesterday I had a frustrating moment, thought about ordering a pizza (seriously) but instead raced across the hall to get my running bra. I hammered out my first 10/1's since restarting this running gig in January. The last set felt hard (they always do don't they!) but I got a great sweat going, and had the endorphins to boot. Not sure I would have felt that great after pizza. Well maybe.

Today I went shopping for glasses, yet again. But this time I got lucky and found some I liked! And one pair of prescription sunglasses too. I'm so excited :)

After our shopping we went for a walk by the canal for an hour. It was lovely out (5C), though overcast. Since we moved I don't get to the canal as often as I used to, so it's a treat!

I can't think of anything else. Life is good! Run by the canal planned tomorrow (the canal two days in a row!), while Steve races.

A clip from the group, same lineup, of one of their slower songs played in December somewhere!

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

And the verdict is...

Doc doesn't know... yet. The office was closed on Monday, so I settled for walk in on Tuesday.

Might be a kidney stone, ovarian cyst or muscle spasms. I have to book an appt for some tests, though told if it goes away by test time, to cancel. Which I really have no problem with, especially for the ov. cyst ultrasound... it's really violating :o\

Haven't gone to training yet, still enjoying cramp-fest 07. I've got to get some better acts if I attend this next year.


Sunday, April 08, 2007


I have to go into the office next week, all week, for training. This bites.

Reason one: the subject matter - installing the 'sp' app on a server. Seriously, I don't think I'm ever going to be doing this, so not sure why I have to be there.

Reason two: lunch. It will be expected that we go to lunch every day together. Not that I mind going to lunch with these people, they are my colleagues/friends, but it's the eating out at a restaurant every day. Not sure I need the calories or the expense (yes, we're trying to pay off the line of credit as soon as we can).

Reason three: running. It will kill my running. I can't run with anything in my tummy other than a couple of egg whites, or half a bagel, and this is only after I have 4 hours to digest. This is going to make running after work impossible. I'm going to have to settle for a walk every night. Or run at about 9PM. That's not happening. Like I haven't missed enough training.

Reason four: clothes. As a full time telecommuter, I have no clothes. This is fact. I went shopping last week for some shirts I could wear in the office, yes, did the same thing two months ago when I had to go in for 2 days. Now with it apparently being spring (I'll believe that when I can see the grass again), I needed warmer weather stuff. Don't get me started on pants. I own two pairs. I didn't find anything at Old Navy last week that fit right (being tubby, I have lumps in odd places), so these pants will be in heavy rotation. And trust me, they both have been seen before, many times. If it were going to be even remotely warmer, I could wear my capris. Sigh.

Reason five: I won't have my computer. We're in a lab on training PCs. This means no email, and maybe no internet. How the heck will I get by if I can't even go on facebook or email, let along YM? :(

I think that's enough, I'm only getting bummed.

Now to figure out what the heck is going on with my gut! Since Thursday morning I've been having twinges in my stomach that are "grab on to something painful". What I'm feeling is what can best be described as intermittent lightning. It's happening on both sides of my abdomen, sometimes only one, sometimes the other, sometimes both. It happens every time I change position, e.g., stand up, sit down, and if I haven't changed positions, it happens about every 5-10 minutes. I thought maybe it was some sort of gastro thing, but I have no other symptoms. I feel fine otherwise. I haven't been able to run or walk though, because I keep having to stop and breathe it out. Any ideas?


Sunday, April 01, 2007

And she ran!

I had the best of intentions of running outside, but messing about on the 'net until 1PM and I was starving! So instead of running by the canal as planned, I hit the treadmill. And I had a GREAT run, 9/1 for 40 minutes, then walked a few more to cool down. It was great! I didn't even shower after (ewww) so that I could get my errands in. Unfortunately, I was feeling rather weak, so after the first store I went to Tim Horton's for some soup. That helped. I finished up my errands, came home and fell asleep sitting up on the couch for a few minutes.

That was my cue to clean the kitchen. Once that was done I soaked in the tub with a blackberry bath bomb, pomegranate juice in diet ginger ale by my hand, and my iPod by my side I meditated for 20 minutes. It was heavenly.

Now watching amazing race. I used to love Kielbasa. I wish they made a veggie version!

Going to pick up KT at the train at 11:something. Geeze, I'd better get the train time!
