Sometimes work is just too much.
I've been trying to stay on track, last week got 3/4 runs done, 0/2 swims, 0 MUBS, o bikes. Not stellar. Work was so busy I worked almost every night (or maybe it was every night... I don't remember now). That and twice my heart rate was out of whack. Don't know what I'm going to do about that. One night was swim night - it was so bad I couldn't drive but not bad enough to send me to hospital, then Sunday had to write out my 'what my Mom meant to me' testimonial for the lawyer. 5 hours of crying drained me for good.
This week so far I've got 1/4 runs in (going down shortly for number 2), 1/2 swims, 0/3 MUBS, 0 bikes. Yesterday's run was ok, on the treadmill, 5k. I'm a day behind on the running, but will be able to catch up by Friday. I would love to know why my heartrate went wonky again in the afternoon. 4 hours later I was still a mess, but decided to swim anyway. It didn't feel much worse, though when swimming it felt normal. It righted sometime overnight after I fell asleep.
I got my two new pairs of running shoes, and I'm a little worried. I have been wearing Nike Pegasus for the past 4 years (at least!). Well I bought these two pairs of Pegasus 2005, and they seem small. I hope it's that I'm wearing thicker socks and that once I put normal socks on and my orthotics they will feel better. Sigh.
Our new bike trainer arrived yesterday - we bought it used from the local tri list. I'm so unimpressed - it's missing the axel and the screw to hold the remote thingy together. I'm done, so Steve is going to fight this battle.
I had my evaluation at swim class last night. I'm told I'm improving, that I'm moving my hips more (which helps my kick apparently), and we did arm drills and my form is improving. I found I went slightly farther last night. My biggest challenge is breathing. Sigh. Only a couple of classes left and I still don't think I can swim. Sucks man.
Lastly, my cranky old lady Tiggie is sick with tongue cancer. We are to keep her comfortable and as happy as possible. When she stops eating, we are to take her in. I'm really sad.
Just shoveled 6 inches of snow from the laneway. Back sore. Winter muscles coming back. Too windy and snowy out, too many accidents, going to run downstairs on the mill instead!