From Here to There

My journey in fitness from here (not so good!) to there (woohooo!!)

Sunday, March 30, 2008

3/1, a new site and a party

Ok that hurt! I realized today that I have only run once outdoors since my return. And that was the first run back! So today we chose to run at the Experimental Farm. The roads were good and dry and it's never very busy there, just a tractor or two, the rest are people running, walking, dogs playing, etc. Oh and about 100 families going to see the critters! Back to the run. Today was the first day of run 3 walk 1, and I knew it was going to be more challenging than on the treadmill. And it was! I'm really hoping that my lubed up incision was causing my heart rate monitor to act up, because if not, I was in trouble! It would jump from 99 bpm to 200 bpm and everywhere in between. The first two repeats were hard, then it was fine, then one repeat was just amazing. That didn't last as my second last repeat I thought my head was going to blow, which was odd, and then I was done! I'll know more when I see the cardiologist on Wed.

I never did get my strength training in yesterday, but did get the walk in. So I picked up the strength training today. I used a 'customized' program from Fitness Magazine where after you join (membership is free) you are able to customize a workout video by selecting how long you want to workout, what body parts you want to target (select as many as you want) and what equipment you have. Within second it creates it for you - it basically strings together several canned videos and you follow along. It wasn't bad at all and I plan to play around with it some more.

Shortly after the workout it was off to the showers to get ready for my former husband's wife's 50th birthday party. I got to meet some more of her siblings who were all very fun.

I'm feeling really good about my day - but expect to feel my legs tomorrow :)

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Weight Battle

The positive side of that little rotten organ is losing 35 lbs. I'm really perplexed at how the weight came off, after so many years of working hard to lose. This time I sat on my butt and did nothing exercise-wise for 5 months. I cut all fat I could out of my diet, and ate slightly less than normal.

As per my usual pattern, since I've started exercising again my weight has started to climb. I'm up between 3 and 4 lbs now, though I've been stable the past week. Yes, I've brought a little bit of fat back in my diet, but overall my diet is excellent. I've also been taking a beta blocker for the past 4 weeks, and it was a beta blocker that helped me put on those 60 lbs in 6 months 5 years ago. Those 60 lbs that 5 years later I'm still trying to budge. I see the cardiologist on the 2nd, and will bring this up!

So I'm trying something new. Steve has an old palm pilot that he hasn't been using for a few years and I found a little weight loss program that I really like called FitnessPlus. What I really like about it is you enter your current weight, your goal weight and target date, and it calculates the number of calories that you should aim for to reach your goal. You log your calorie intake and exercise and the calories adjust accordingly. I've been tracking since March 19th, and each day that I don't lose brings me closer to my goal date, so each day it takes away a tiny bit more calories to try to reach that goal. I've known for a long time that the magic 3500 weekly calorie deficit to lose a pound doesn't work for me. This program will keep adjusting and doing the calculations for me, and eventually MY weight loss numbers will show themselves, whatever they may be. I've done a rough calculation of my intake when I was sick and not exercising or even moving, and it averages 800-1000.

The best part of it is, I find I'm not stressing over numbers or intake, I just log and look at the number at the bottom of the screen. If I'm hungry and have some to spare I'll eat something. If I'm not hungry and have a lot to spare, I will drink something to top up. I'm thinking that my problem over the years was under eating. Being vegetarian and a low fat eater to begin with, I always struggled to get even 1200 calories in me per day.

In other news, I got my work bonus yesterday, which after taxes worked out to about 45% of gross. Better than a kick in the butt I guess!

Yesterday's schedule called for a run, and my legs were a tiny bit tired from Thursday's ride, but not sore as I'd expected. I had a great run, the last of my 2/1. My naughty bits are still sore though. Should have worn my bike shorts under my pants.

This morning Steve and I hit up MEC and lo and behold they had my running shoes, trail variety, on clearance! I've never bought them before because I couldn't justify the purchase of a trail shoe unless I was going to really spend a lot of time on the trails. I couldn't pass them up, and can't wait to try them. I'm always turning out my ankles on the trails and feel the rocks and twigs more than I'd like with my regular running shoes. I think I will buy some gaiters too, as I'm always picking up stones and debris, but I don't like my shoes very tight!

We also bought the SPD pedals for the mountain bikes, and a couple of clip on fenders, for the really messy days. I'm not a fan of a lot of mud in my hair!

Well, I'd better get off this thing and get the cleaning under way. No running on the schedule today, just a 30 min walk and a 20 min strength training session. I hate strength training, and never found it something I could get into the habit of, so I figure I'll start with 20 mins. I can do 20 mins!

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Thursday, March 27, 2008

March 27

Today is my Mom's birthday. I still miss her so much. Yesterday at 3PM, my Outlook reminder popped up to remind me to send the ecard I always sent, and another reminder this morning to make sure I didn't forget to call her. I would get so busy at work and not look at the calendar until late morning sometimes, and felt awful about being late calling her. Mom, taken from us too soon.

Today is also the birthday of my friend Tracy's little daughter Ella, who turned 2. Can't be sad when that little bundle is eating cake now can we?

We thought of going to the cemetery, but honestly, we wouldn't be able to get very close since there's 5 feet of snow on the ground still. We'll do a drive by on the weekend since KT is working tonight, and get as close as we can.

I woke this morning feeling a little sore in the throat again, but decided my best defense was to ignore it. So on my lunch break I hit the treadmill for 42 mins (run 2 walk 1). It was effortless, but I got good and sweaty. After work we took out the new bikes! Smokey was perfect. I on the other hand, less so. I am so out of shape! I was shocked at how sore my quads were after only a few minutes. Then it hit me. I sat on my butt for 5 months trying to heal myself and had major surgery. Of course I'm out of shape! Also on mountain bikes, you don't go as fast, it's just not possible. We trekked through the construction roads behind us, down the main road, and off to the gravel road, finally through some mud! We stopped twice so I could raise my seat to the right height. I was BURNT. This is going to be a lot tougher than I thought! gmaps said we did a whopping 8.5km (LOL!). We didn't bring any timing devices, but we estimate we were out for 30 minutes or so. It was a lot of fun, but my legs are trashed.

So we came home and chipped the 6 inch thick iceberg at the end of the laneway. THIS is what Canada's all about... go for a bike ride when it's beautiful out (-5C / 23 F... it's Spring right?), peek around the 6 foot snowbanks so as to not get flattened by a car, try not to wipe out on the ice, then chip ice for 30 mins more. Great workout.

I'm off to lie in the tub full of bubbles and epsom salts and my iPod on shuffle. Then to bed with a book. No LOST tonight after all.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Time to Focus on Something Else

As I added my KM run ticker yesterday, I noticed that the Adsense bar on this blog is all about the gallbladder, upper stomach, gallstones. Ya, moving on...

Had a really great run today at lunch time. Even though I started work at 7AM, I didn't have enough time to get an outside run in (too many layers to fiddle with, keys, etc) so I ran on the treadmill (shorts, bra, shoes and good to go!). 5k done and it felt great :)

Nothing else to report I don't think! Oh yeah, I scared away the cold/bug that was brewing. Booyeah!


Monday, March 24, 2008


I feel awesome! Yes, I think I'm catching a cold, my sinuses are all jammed and I've had a few issues below the belt the past 24 hours, but I have more energy than I think I ever have had in my life.

Yesterday we had a lovely Easter dinner at the outlaws (former in-laws) house. I love how Steve is such a part of their family too. After the pain and the hurt fades, this is divorce done right. They are family. I love them all.

Anyway, I went to bed last night and something funky happened in my head. The room was spinning. I remembered I'd forgotten to brush my teeth, so hopped out of bed, stumbled to the bathroom almost taking out the door frame, then went too far the other way almost taking out the shower door. Yikes. I couldn't fall asleep because of the spinning and everytime Steve moved, I tried to keep my stomach in check. Woke up this morning feeling a little dizzy, but mostly it was over.

So I got on the treadmill and ran. And it was awesome!

Work? Getting so busy, so many meetings in the schedule, one really high profile project, another less so, both I've never heard of the tools, lots of learning to be had. Awesome.

Took a late lunch to see my Doctor for a referral. Did you know that a bike fitting falls under physiotherapy if it's done by a physiotherapist? Appt. next week. Can't wait! Maybe for the first time since I got my bike I won't feel so out of control! Awesome.

Then of course we have the new bikes coming on Thursday. I won't say it :)

For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling a little under the weather, and that I can take on the world, all at the same time.


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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Meet Smokey

For the past few years Steve and I have been talking about taking up mountain biking. We LOVE running the trails, and invariably meet some bikers there, and always thought "some day". Now that we've moved to the burbs, biking from home to half decent pavement on the road bike is next to impossible, at least if you want to make it to your destination alive! So a mountain bike would allow the opportunity to get my bike in when I might not have enough time to get the bike rack on the car/drive to wherever. I'll be able to get it in by opening up the garage door and going. I think this will be a very good thing! And a chance to mix it up :D

So without further ado, I present, Smokey:

She's got an aluminum frame (light!), dark grey paint (smoke grey) and I plan to smoke the trails on her. She's definitely an entry level bike, and that's totally fine with me. If I find she's not good enough and I'm putting in a lot of riding, I'll upgrade, but for now, I think she's perfect! Steve loved her just as much, so he bought one too (name TBD). We pick them up on Thursday night. I think I'll buy some SPDs when we're out and swap out the pedals right away. I have touring shoes so I'll be ready from the get go!

The best part is since we still have 6 feet of snow all over the place but the sidewalks and roadsides are cleared, lots of potholes, ice and frozen muck, and there's not way I'd take Beethoven, my roadie out. THIS baby, is going out this week :D. I may have to wear a snowsuit, but I'm going! I'm so excited!

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Busy Week

I can't believe it's the weekend already! So what have I done...

Saturday last week, Steve's birthday, we went out for dinner. We haven't gone out for so long because of this whole recovery deal, it was so nice. I've been gradually increasing my fat intake - it may sound silly, but after not eating fat for 5 months, and digesting gallbladder-free it doesn't always go well :(. So we split the tappas plate (flatbread, roasted garlic, chevre, cranberry chutney, papaya and mango salsa and a blackened corn dip) and I had the butternut squash ravioli with tomato chevre sauce sprinkled with toasted pecans. So yummy! My tummy was only a little sore after that, though I only ate half of it, taking the rest home for Sunday lunch.

Sunday was Steve's birthday breakfast with the fam. It was nice to get things back to normal. I read and played Rock Band the rest of the day.

Monday I went back to work. I had been reading my emails but not actioning any of them, so at least I had them mostly sorted. Unfortunately, it also meant 3 days of responding to queries that were so old, I'd hoped that everyone had opted to log help desk tickets instead of waiting for an answer from me. Sure enough they had! I was handed two projects to become familiar with, with the expectation to be fully ramped up in two weeks. Yikes. I have so many meetings in my calendar now, it's exhausting! I'm still trying to finish transitioning my old job too. Thankfully it was a short week - we had Good Friday off.

Yesterday was my nephew's 8th birthday and we were invited to my brother's house for brunch. It's so nice to be out and about! I can't believe how icy and cold it still is though - woke this morning to -23C, and it's supposed to be spring!

I have run/walked, or walked every day this week except yesterday. Feel's good! Today I started r2/w1, for 42 mins on the treadmill.

We're on our way shortly to buy mountain bikes! yay! we're 90% decided on mountain bikes, since we want to bike the trails in the gats this year. I just don't think hybrids will be tough enough for some of the trails. We already have road bikes, so we're covered there.

Oh! And today I baked Bunnygirl's Carrot-Apple Bread. Freaken AMAZING.

Guess that's it!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

I ran!

On Wed morning Steve was on the trainer and I decided it was time to test out the bod. I walked (slowly) on the treadmill and only managed 20 mins. My insides hurt :( My scar hurt.

Then yesterday I felt a million times better. I told myself that every pain or muscle tear is bringing me back stronger.

Steve was working the late shift today, so I suggested we go to the canal for a run. My first since Oct 31. It snowed last night (oh forgot to mention that in the snow/movie post!), another few inches to the tally and the city is still clearing from the weekend, so we were hoping the footing wouldn't be too horrid. It wasn't too great, but it wasn't too bad either.

My plan was to start super easy - run 15 sec, walk 2 mins. I talked myself out of that in the car :). I changed my intervals to run 30 sec, walk 2 mins. After 2 intervals I couldn't stand it. Reset the watch to run 1, walk 2. Again easy, but I wasn't going to push myself any harder. It took me forever 48:25 to cover 4.7 km, but I covered 4.7 kms! I pushed it a little more for my last 3 repeats - the first I ran 2 mins sec, walked 2 mins, the next ran 3 mins walked 1 min, and the last ran to the end, 90 secs.

My hips were tight, my ankles sore from the ice and snow ruts, but considering I've spent almost 5 months resting and trying to get healthy, I'm really really pleased! My scar is a little irritated by my running bra, but nothing serious. Yay!

I'm still on the beta blockers, so my max heart rate was 135. LOL!

I've since had a bath with the bubbler, as close to a jacuzzi as we have! It was wonderful. I let the sun shine on my face through the window and just relaxed. I feel AMAZING.

Happy dance!


I had a date!

It's been so long since Steve and I went anywhere or did anything... I think we saw a movie over Christmas, but I'd been feeling so lousy before the surgery, and so lousy afterwards, that I didn't want to do anything.

We had planned to go out last weekend but we had some snow. After last Wednesday's foot, we woke up to a little over 2 feet!

This was the view from the patio door. The patio door is 4 steps up from the ground, the snow is higher than that. It was gorgeous! You can almost see our neighbour's little fence. Hope he doesn't let the doggies out because they'd be gone!

And from the front door, let's just say when we're standing next to the cars, we can't see our neighbours on either side. Reversing out of the laneway is a challenge too, the snowbanks are now at least 8 feet high :D. Oh, and we've had several inches since, with more to come next week. We may indeed break Ottawa's annual snow record from 1972!

So back to the date. Steve went for a run with some of last year's Gotta Run team, and was given a preview pass to see 'Run Fatboy Run'. It's got Shaun from Shaun of the Dead! The movie won't win any awards, but it was really really cute. Made me want to run! But that will be a later post. In researching what I could eat at the movie, I discovered that a large buttered popcorn (20 cups) has as much fat as 8 Big Macs. EIGHT. Without the topping? 6 Big Macs. YUCK. Now I've never been able to eat my way through a large in one sitting, but always brought my bag home for the next day. I LOVE movie popcorn. I think those days are long gone! Even a small popcorn (7 cups) without topping is too much. I'll stick to my homemade stuff from now on! I settled for a pretzel and mustard. Not as good as the ones at the hockey games, but good enough. And much better for me! We had a lovely time, and life felt NORMAL. Awesome :)

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YouTube Fun

I LOVE youtube. KT and I have been sending each other vids for the past few days. Below are a couple of gems! If you close your eyes, it's as if you're in a theatre!

and I'll never watch Mary Poppins the same way again...


Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm bored

I must be getting better, because I am bored silly.

I slept a record 7 hours last night! Still sleeping on my back and not moving apparently, so of course when I woke I was locked in that position and my back was screaming!

KT's friend Fi was going to come over and watch the first season of The 4400 but cancelled because her honey had a high fever. So glad she called when she did, the house was already cleaned and floors washed! :D

Steve and I decided to get out and go shopping for a bit, as he was in dire need of new pants and shoes for work. I was so tired by the time we finished buying his pants, I couldn't believe that I agreed to go downtown with him to another store to pick up a really nice pair of shoes in his size (the store we were in didn't have them in the right size). We had to walk about .5 km to the store, which was ok, but by the time we had the shoes paid for, I was seeing spots. Felt better by the time we got outside in the fresh air, so instead of asking Steve to get the car and pick me up, we slowly trekked back to the car, stopping once for a Beavertail (Killaloe Sunrise of course!) for Steve... because I was such a disaster this year, we missed Winterlude, where we traditionally eat a Beavertail. He's only a week late in getting it! Because I'm still mindful of my fat intake, I had a bite to taste. So yummy.

We came home and I was almost in tears in the car, my insides were so sore! I'll feel stronger soon I'm sure. I hope! Running still seems so far away :(

Finished Fatal Voyage by Kathy Reichs today - I'm reading her series in order and this is the best so far. Started the 6th Harry Potter (Half-Blood Prince) after we got home, but fell asleep!

Tomorrow we're expecting hours of freezing rain, so KT may be working from home, but if not, I'll be all by my lonesome until 10PM because both she and Steve and class. It will be a great day to rest, or go out of my head with boredom!

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