Get over it!

Ok, so today was one to bite my tongue. By noon I was ready to pick up the phone, call my boss and tell him to cram it. Why? Because I hate my colleague's job that I've been saddled with. It would be fine if it were only taking up the 10% of my week it was supposed to. But it's taking up over 100% of my days. I'm tired of OT without compensation, and while my boss does thank me profusely, I don't figure this will have bearing on a bonus (should we get one). So instead of calling my boss, I hopped on the trainer for 45 minutes watching skating with celebrities. Now that's entertainment! LOL
Came back to work feeling much better, only to find my inbox flooded with more web postings @#$@#$%#@$$%#!!!!
I can't remember the last time I did my own work. I missed a deliverable today, for the first time ever, and it's killing me. I'm burning over this.
When Steve calls, I ask him to bring home a battery for my drowned watch, and tell him I'm off to shovel the laneway. He says he'll do it. PMS queen tells him NO. I neglected to mention I wanted the outlet for my anger. Wouldn't you know it? The snow was LIGHT and FLUFFY!! ARGH!! The one day I want heavy wet snow!! So I come in and decide a hot bath will help, the whole time thinking 'he'd better come home with steaming hot pizzas under his arm'. He walks in and sweetly presents me with English muffins. I almost threw them at him (joking!!!) :) I thanked him and smiled. He's a sweety because he knows how much I love English muffins. But I wanted pizza. Can't he read my mind yet? I settled for a nice large salad, a baked sweet potato and 5 tofu 'chicken' nuggets. I still want pizza :)
Anyway, great trainer workout, 15 minutes of cranky shoveling, my drowned watch works (the battery actually blew up in the pool), and I saved a ton of calories. I need to chill!!